Birds of the World

SAVE Brasil


SAVE Brasil logo with parrotSAVE Brasil (Society for the Conservation of Birds in Brazil) is a non-profit civil society organization with a special focus on the conservation of Brazilian birds. SAVE Brasil is part of the global alliance of BirdLife International, present in more than 100 countries. In Brazil, BirdLife International initiated a program in 2000 after identifying the need for immediate action in certain areas to avoid the extinction of critically endangered bird species. The BirdLife International Brazil Programme was then created, which later, in 2004, would be consolidated into the SAVE Brasil.

Our mission is to conserve birds and their habitats by connecting people to nature. Throughout its 17 years of existence, SAVE Brasil has achieved important results in the conservation of Brazilian birds: supporting the establishment of 9 protected areas (184,509 hectares) in places of high biodiversity and the identification and mapping of 237 IBAs (Important Birds and Biodiversity Areas) in Brazil. Today we are working in nine Brazilian states, with biodiversity conservation and biodiversity conservation and engagement programs.


All projects can be viewed on the SAVE Brasil website.

  • Bicudinho-do-brejo-paulista
  • Planalto dove
  • Alianza del Pastizal
  • Flight Plan
  • Shorebirds
  • Jacutinga
  • Atlantic Forest of the Northeast
  • Citizen Scientist – Biodiversity Monitoring
  • Penacho Curassow


If you are interested in being involved or supporting their work please contact:

  • Alice Reisfeld, Program Manager, SAVE Brasil (eBird)


In 2022, SAVE Brasil began to collaborate with BOW with a commitment to generate full species account revisions of several Brazilian bird species.

Alagoas Tyrannulet Phylloscartes ceciliae Carlos O. Gussoni; John W. Fitzpatrick; Christopher J. Sharpe; Andrew J. Spencer
Cherry-throated Tanager Nemosia rourei Benjamin T. Phalan; Gustavo R. Magnago; Steven Hilty
Pinto’s Spinetail Synallaxis infuscata Carlos O. Gussoni; J. V. Remsen, Jr.; Christopher J. Sharpe
Rondonia Bushbird Clytoctantes atrogularis Thiago V. V. Costa; Christopher J. Sharpe; Kevin Zimmer; Morton L. Isler; Guy M. Kirwan
Seven-colored Tanager Tangara fastuosa Carlos O. Gussoni; Allan Cabrero; Shannon E. Walsh; Kevin J. Burns; Peter F. D. Boesman
Streaked Flycatcher Myiodynastes maculatus Guy M. Kirwan; Shailee S. Shah; Karlla Barbosa
Birds of the World


A global alliance of nature organizations working to document the natural history of all bird species at an unprecedented scale.