Birds of the World

Red de Observadores de Aves y Vida Silvestre de Chile (ROC)


ROC logoROC is a non-profit organization from Chile, which aims to protect birds through the formation of alliances between scientists, birders, and decision-makers. ROC led the first Breeding Bird Atlas of Chile (the first one using eBird) and has worked to develop strategies and plans for bird conservation and monitoring in Chile.


If you are interested in being involved or supporting their work please contact one of the persons below.



Common name Scientific name Authors
Andean Goose Oressochen melanopterus Erik Sandvig; Ariel Cabrera Foix; Nelson Contardo; Pablo Galdames; Cristian Pinto; Abigail Duvall; Fernando Medrano
Andean Ibis Theristicus branickii Fernando Medrano; Peter Pyle
Austral Canastero Asthenes anthoides Vicente  Pantoja; J. V. Remsen, Jr.; Peter F. D. Boesman
Black-bellied Storm-Petrel Fregetta tropica William T. Everett; Yuliana R. Bedolla-Guzmán; David G. Ainley
Black-hooded Sierra Finch Phrygilus atriceps Alvaro Jaramillo; Matías Garrido; Matías Cortés-Norambuena
Cape Verde Storm-Petrel Hydrobates jabejabe Fernando Medrano; Teresa Militão; Herculano A. Dinis; Jacob González-Solís; Peter Pyle
Chestnut-throated Huet-huet Pteroptochos castaneus Vicente  Pantoja; Fernando Medrano; Franco  Villalobos; Niels Krabbe; Thomas S. Schulenberg
Chilean Mockingbird Mimus thenca Natacha González; Vicente  Pantoja; Maria Jesus S. Mallea ; Matías Garrido; Antoine Touret; Angélica Almónacid; Heraldo V. Norambuena; Fernando Medrano; Peter Pyle
Chilean Tinamou Nothoprocta perdicaria Fernando Medrano; Angélica Almónacid; Antoine Touret; Vicente  Pantoja; Heraldo V. Norambuena; Romina Tapia; Vitor Gomes; Alvaro Jaramillo; Peter Pyle
Chucao Tapaculo Scelorchilus rubecula Vicente  Pantoja; Antoine Touret; Romina Tapia; Natacha González; Fernando Medrano
Crag Chilia Ochetorhynchus melanurus Fernando Medrano; Gabriela Contreras; César  Piñones; J. V. Remsen, Jr.
Curlew Sandpiper Calidris ferruginea Steven G. Mlodinow; Fernando Medrano; Peter Pyle; Shawn M. Billerman
Dark-bellied Cinclodes Cinclodes patagonicus André  Vielma
Dusky Tapaculo Scytalopus fuscus Vicente  Pantoja; César  Muñoz; Peter F. D. Boesman
Dusky-tailed Canastero Pseudasthenes humicola Vicente  Pantoja; J. V. Remsen, Jr.; Peter F. D. Boesman
Elliot’s Storm-Petrel Oceanites gracilis Fernando Medrano; Carles Carboneras; Francesc Jutglar; Guy M. Kirwan; Christopher J. Sharpe
Giant Conebill Conirostrum binghami Quinn A. McCallum; Natacha González; Pablo  Gutiérrez; Kevin J. Burns; Peter F. D. Boesman; Nicholas A. Mason; Peter Pyle
Giant Hummingbird Patagona gigas Paola Velásquez-Noriega; Maria Jesus S. Mallea ; Fernando Medrano; Iris Heynen; Peter Pyle
Gray Gull Leucophaeus modestus Fernando Medrano; Ignacio Escobar Gutiérrez; Rodrigo Silva; Peter Pyle
Gray-hooded Sierra Finch Phrygilus gayi Matías Garrido; Matías Cortés-Norambuena; Daniel Martínez Piña; Andrew J. Spencer; Tammy Zhang
Hellmayr’s Pipit Anthus hellmayri Heraldo V. Norambuena; Francisco Rivas Fuenzalida; Stephanie Tyler; Eduardo de Juana
James’s Flamingo Phoenicoparrus jamesi Carlos E. Rivas; Vicente  Pantoja; Enzo Mardones Muñoz; Romina Tapia; Joel  Cabezas; Natalia  Olmos-Moya; Matías Cortés-Norambuena; Audrey Su
Magellanic Tapaculo Scytalopus magellanicus Vicente  Pantoja; César Muñoz; Andrew J. Spencer
Markham’s Storm-Petrel Hydrobates markhami Fernando Medrano; Benjamin Gallardo; Jacob Drucker; Alvaro Jaramillo; Peter Pyle
Moustached Turca Pteroptochos megapodius Fernando Medrano; Niels Krabbe; Thomas S. Schulenberg; Peter F. D. Boesman
Patagonian Sierra Finch Phrygilus patagonicus Matías Garrido; Nicole Arcaya; Matías Cortés-Norambuena; Robert Snowden; Alvaro Jaramillo; Thomas S. Schulenberg
Patagonian Tyrant Colorhamphus parvirostris Carol Medrano; Fernando Medrano; Andrew Farnsworth; Gary Langham
Peruvian Tern Sternula lorata Jaime Flores; Fernando Medrano; Jhonson Vizcarra; Peter Pyle
Pincoya Storm-Petrel Oceanites pincoyae Fernando Medrano; Heraldo V. Norambuena; Peter Pyle
Ringed Storm-Petrel Hydrobates hornbyi Fernando Medrano; Jacob Drucker; Alvaro Jaramillo
Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe Attagis gayi Carlos E. Rivas; Vicente  Pantoja; Joel  Cabezas; Francisca Ibarra Manzo; Luisa Marcó Kraines; Maria Jesus S. Mallea ; Natalia  Olmos-Moya; Fernando Medrano; Peter Pyle; Andrew J. Spencer
Seaside Cinclodes Cinclodes nigrofumosus Vicente  Pantoja; Fernando Medrano; André  Vielma; Thomas S. Schulenberg; Alvaro Jaramillo; Peter F. D. Boesman
South American Painted-Snipe Nycticryphes semicollaris Pablo  Gutiérrez; Natacha González; Ivo Tejeda
Tamarugo Conebill Conirostrum tamarugense Fernando Medrano; Natacha González; Vicente  Pantoja; Matías Garrido; Ivo Tejeda; Ignacio Escobar Gutiérrez; Heraldo V. Norambuena; Peter Pyle; Andrew J. Spencer
Waved Albatross Phoebastria irrorata Guy M. Kirwan; Peter Pyle; Vicente  Pantoja
White-banded Mockingbird Mimus triurus Matías Garrido; Martin L. Cody; Guy M. Kirwan
White-bellied Seedsnipe Attagis malouinus Carlos E. Rivas; Peter Pyle
White-browed Ground-Tyrant Muscisaxicola albilora Ivo Tejeda; Tomás  Altamirano; Erik Sandvig; Andrew J. Spencer
White-tailed Shrike-Tyrant Agriornis albicauda Guillermo Perez; Gabriela V. Piriz; Juan E. Salazar; Enzo Mardones Muñoz; Camila Figueroa Ramírez; Antoine Touret; Andrew Farnsworth; Gary Langham; Arnau Bonan; Fernando Medrano
White-throated Tapaculo Scelorchilus albicollis Fernando Medrano; Gabriela Contreras; Ignacio Escobar Gutiérrez
Ainley’s Storm-Petrel Hydrobates cheimomnestes Fernando Medrano; Julio Hernández-Montoya; Sarah  Saldanha; Ariana Duarte; Jacob González-Solís; Guy M. Kirwan; Peter Pyle
Townsend’s Storm-Petrel Hydrobates socorroensis Guy M. Kirwan; Fernando Medrano; Julio Hernández-Montoya; Ariana Duarte; Jacob González-Solís; Peter Pyle
Juan Fernandez Firecrown Sephanoides fernandensis Ryan D. Carle; Sara de Rodt; Paola González; Flora Rojas; Fernando Medrano; Erin Hagen; Coral A. Wolf; Matías Garrido; Jenna Sparks
Masatierra Petrel Pterodroma defilippiana Fernando Medrano; Matías Garrido; Daniel  Terán; Juan  Aguirre; Peter J. Hodum
White-bellied Storm-Petrel Fregetta grallaria Fernando Medrano; Tim S.  David; Peter J. Hodum; Peter Pyle
Birds of the World


A global alliance of nature organizations working to document the natural history of all bird species at an unprecedented scale.