Birds of the World

Aves Uruguay


Aves Uruguay is the leading organization for the study and conservation of birds in Uruguay, and part of the Birds of the World alliance of partners. Aves Uruguay is a non-governmental organization founded in 1987, with the mission to conserve the wild birds of Uruguay and the environments they inhabit, and to promote sustainable development policies in the use of natural resources. As a member institution, Aves Uruguay engages people in various activities, such as birdwatching, citizen science, research, education, and advocacy.

Aves Uruguay is a BirdLife International partner. Their staff is multidisciplinary, with biologists, engineers, communicators, educators, and individuals with extensive experience in bird observation and research on its staff. Aves Uruguay was created upon the initiative of Prof. Raúl Vaz Ferreira and several ornithologists in 1987 under the name Grupo Uruguayo para el Estudio y Conservación de las Aves (GUPECA), with the aim of bringing together individuals involved in ornithology, including researchers, educators, biology students, as well as bird enthusiasts. Later, the institution changed its name to Aves Uruguay.



If you are interested in being involved or supporting their work please contact:

  • Pablo G. Fernández: Pablo is a birdwatcher and biologist specializing in monitoring bird diversity and ecology. His activities primarily involve participating in biodiversity monitoring projects in the fields of environmental consulting and academic research. He has been coordinating eBird Uruguay since 2018. eBird profile, Instagram



Check back for updates as they are released.

Common name Scientific name Authors
Red-legged Seriema Cariama cristata Luiz P. Gonzaga and Guy M. Kirwan
Marsh Seedeater Sporophila palustris Alvaro Jaramillo
Coming soon!
Birds of the World


A global alliance of nature organizations working to document the natural history of all bird species at an unprecedented scale.