Birds of the World

New Feature: Print-friendly view of species accounts

July 30, 2024
Printer friendly view

We know how important it is for readers to have the ability to study or take into the field printed Birds of the World species accounts, and how consultants and federal and state biologists need to append hard copies to agency reports. Thanks to this new feature, things just got easier! .

Birds of the World species accounts now include an option for single-page view. Open any species account and click the small printer icon that says “Toggle printable view (single page).” This unfolds all the species articles into one long page (no matter how long the account is).  Once you have the page in single-page view, use your computer’s native function to print or save as PDF.

A few things to know:

A limited number of embedded images (photographs, maps, etc) will be printed, and the quality may vary with your browser and printer driver. Additionally, Tables and Appendices, Revision History, and References will not be printed. And be careful when you print, some of our accounts are VERY long. The Golden Eagle account, for example, is the equivalent of 200 Microsoft Word pages with 700 references! That will definitely drain your printer ink!

We hope will serve the needs of many readers. Give it a try on one of our recently updated accounts. Or click here to see how it works with the Spot-billed Ground-Tyrant PDF.

Spread the word! Let us know how you like this feature!

Birds of the World


A global alliance of nature organizations working to document the natural history of all bird species at an unprecedented scale.