Birds of the World



Oikonos logoOikonos Ecosystem Knowledge is a regional partner of BOW. We study and protect threatened ecosystems by involving diverse communities through scientific and artistic collaborations. We approach our projects from a multidisciplinary perspective in close collaboration with local communities and public and private institutions, protecting both species and their habitats. We seek to create science-based conservation solutions that are sustainable over time.


Oikonos has carried out many impactful bird conservation projects, including:




Below are the species accounts created in association with OIKONOS

Common name Scientific name Authors
Juan Fernandez Firecrown Sephanoides fernandensis Ryan D. Carle; Sara de Rodt; Paola González; Flora Rojas; Fernando Medrano; Erin Hagen; Coral A. Wolf; Matías Garrido; Jenna Sparks
Masatierra Petrel Pterodroma defilippiana Fernando Medrano; Matías Garrido; Daniel  Terán; Juan  Aguirre; Peter J. Hodum
Pink-footed Shearwater Adrenna creatopus Ryan D. Carle; Valentina Colodro; Jonathan Felis; Joshua Adams; Peter J. Hodum; Peter Pyle
Western Gull Larus occidentalis Raymond J. Pierotti; Cynthia A. Annett; Scott A. Shaffer; Danielle M. Devincenzi; Peter Pyle
White-bellied Storm-Petrel Fregetta grallaria Fernando Medrano; Tim S.  David; Peter J. Hodum; Peter Pyle
Birds of the World


A global alliance of nature organizations working to document the natural history of all bird species at an unprecedented scale.