Located in the isolated Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta mountains of northern Colombia, little has been known about the species as it was lost to science for 64 years before being photographed once in 2010, only to become lost again before its rediscovery in 2022 by Yurgen Vega, one of the authors of the new study.
We are happy to announce that Aves Uruguay, the leading organization for the study and conservation of birds in Uruguay, has joined the global Birds of the World partner network.
As Birds of the World inches towards the close of our fourth year (!), we have much good news to report about how the project has developed, expanded, and adapted to new opportunities. Please read on for details!

Mark your calendars for October Big Day—14 October 2023! Big Days are a 24-hour opportunity to celebrate birds near and far.

Watch this video of John Mittermeier, Director of the Search for Lost Birds Project at American Bird Conservancy. John shared stories from recent Lost Birds expeditions and described how these searches support conservation efforts around the world.

Thanks to a unique publishing partnership with the John Voelcker Bird Book Fund (JVBBF), the entire "Roberts 8" revision project will be published online at Birds of the World.

In this all-new, comprehensive review for Birds of the World, authors Tomás Rivas-Fuenzalida, Juan Manuel Grande, Sebastián Kohn, Félix Hernán Vargas and Santiago Zuluaga Castañeda update the status of knowledge of the species, including unpublished information and works in preparation.

To celebrate our growing partnership, this Tuesday, the ROC will host a webinar, featuring our very own Tom Schulenberg, BOW science editor, with Fernando Medrano (@FmedranoM), the technical and scientific advisor of ROC, who will discuss what the partnership means for Chilean birds and birders, and Javiera Ferreyra (@jaferreyrab), director of Audubon Chile.

Birds of the World has a simple but ambitious goal: to be the definitive resource for the collected biology of every bird species in the world. This scholarly, expansive resource is made possible by the combined expertise of a collective of global ornithology experts who are as inspired as we are to tell the complete […]

Birds of the World is working with several educators and institutions to help students produce revisions of species accounts. Aiman Raza is an undergraduate at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, and has been working with Dr.