As Birds of the World inches towards the close of our fourth year (!), we have much good news to report about how the project has developed, expanded, and adapted to new opportunities. Please read on for details!

Join the Bird, Merlin, and Birds of the World teams at the Feria de Aves Sud América/South American BirdFair from Oct 26 – 29, 2023! The twelfth annual Feria de Aves will be held in the famous Mindo Cloudforest region of Ecuador.

Birds of the World is working with several educators and institutions to help students produce revisions of species accounts. Aiman Raza is an undergraduate at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, and has been working with Dr.

Birds of the World content was written by ornithologists all over the world and was amassed from four major volumes. Let's meet the international team responsible for growing and maintaining the new platform...