Birds of the World

American Golden-Plover Pluvialis dominica Scientific name definitions

Oscar W. Johnson, Peter G. Connors, and Peter Pyle
Version: 2.0 — Published June 21, 2024

Figures from this Account

Distribution of the American Golden-Plover
Figure 1. Annual cycle of breeding, molt, and migration.

Figure is based on the annual cycle of Pacific Golden-Plovers overwintering in Hawaii and breeding in Alaska (Seward Peninsula). Most of American Golden-Plover cycle in Alaska (arrival, breeding, initiation of body molt, and departure) is similar; completion of body molt and primary molt need study. On the distant overwintering ranges of American Golden-Plover in Southern Hemisphere, spring migration begins much earlier than shown here, and fall movements of juveniles may extend later into the fall and early winter months; see Migration for details.

Figure 3. Vocalizations of American and Pacific golden-plovers.

Some vocalizations of American (P. dominica) and Pacific (P. fulva) golden-plovers (sonograms from Connors et al. 1993). For additional sonograms, see Byrkjedal and Thompson (1998). A, B: the Repetitive Call that accompanies male territorial flight display is very distinctive in each species. C, D: Complex Whistles of males, with arrows denoting repeating unit. E, F: Alarm/Distraction Calls of males at the nest; low-intensity call on left, high-intensity call on right. G: Aggression Call of male American Golden-Plover during aerial pursuit of intruder (this occurs in both intraspecific and interspecific interactions). For additional sonograms, see Connors et al. 1993, Miller 1996.

Figure 4. Distraction displays of the American Golden-Plover.

Some distraction displays of the American Golden-Plover: (top) Tail-Down Run, (middle) Injury Feigning, and (bottom) Stationary Wing-Spread Display. The same behaviors occur in Pacific Golden-Plover. Drawings by D. Otte, from photographs by OWJ (included in account).

Recommended Citation

Johnson, O. W., P. G. Connors, and P. Pyle (2024). American Golden-Plover (Pluvialis dominica), version 2.0. In Birds of the World (B. K. Keeney, P. G. Rodewald, and S. M. Billerman, Editors). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA.
Birds of the World


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