Species names in all available languages
Language | Common name |
Afrikaans | Europese Aasvoël |
Albanian | Shkaba |
Arabic | نسر اسمر اوراسي |
Armenian | Սպիտակագլուխ անգղ |
Asturian | Utre comñn |
Azerbaijani | Ağbaş kərkəs |
Basque | Sai arrea |
Bulgarian | Белоглав лешояд |
Catalan | voltor comú |
Chinese (SIM) | 兀鹫 |
Croatian | bjeloglavi sup |
Czech | sup bělohlavý |
Danish | Gåsegrib |
Dutch | Vale Gier |
English | Eurasian Griffon |
English (India) | Eurasian Griffon (Griffon Vulture) |
English (Kenya) | Eurasian Griffon Vulture |
English (UK) | Griffon Vulture |
English (United States) | Eurasian Griffon |
Finnish | hanhikorppikotka |
French | Vautour fauve |
French (France) | Vautour fauve |
Galician | Voitre común |
German | Gänsegeier |
Greek | Όρνιο |
Hebrew | נשר מקראי |
Hungarian | Fakó keselyű |
Icelandic | Gæsagammur |
Italian | Grifone |
Japanese | シロエリハゲワシ |
Latvian | Baltgalvas grifs |
Lithuanian | Palšasis grifas |
Malayalam | ജടായു |
Mongolian | Ухаа хажир |
Norwegian | gåsegribb |
Persian | دال معمولی |
Polish | sęp płowy |
Portuguese (Portugal) | Grifo-comum |
Romanian | Vultur sur |
Russian | Белоголовый сип |
Serbian | Beloglavi sup |
Slovak | sup bielohlavý |
Slovenian | Beloglavi jastreb |
Spanish | Buitre Leonado |
Spanish (Spain) | Buitre leonado |
Swedish | gåsgam |
Turkish | Kızıl Akbaba |
Ukrainian | Сип білоголовий |
Revision Notes
Alfredo Salvador evaluated and updated the entire account, as possible.
Gyps fulvus (Hablizl, 1783)
Vultur fulvus
Hablizl, 1783. Neue Nordische Beyträge 4, p.58.
Samamisian Alps, Gilan, Iran.
Avibase, 2023
- gyps
- fulvum / fulvus
The Key to Scientific Names
Legend Overview
UPPERCASE: current genus
Uppercase first letter: generic synonym
● and ● See: generic homonyms
lowercase: species and subspecies
●: early names, variants, misspellings
‡: extinct
†: type species
Gr.: ancient Greek
L.: Latin
<: derived from
syn: synonym of
/: separates historical and modern geographic names
ex: based on
TL: type locality
OD: original diagnosis (genus) or original description (species)
Eurasian Griffon Gyps fulvus Scientific name definitions
Alfredo Salvador
Version: 6.0 — Published July 26, 2024
Version: 6.0 — Published July 26, 2024