Birds of the World

American Golden-Plover Pluvialis dominica Scientific name definitions

Oscar W. Johnson, Peter G. Connors, and Peter Pyle
Version: 2.0 — Published June 21, 2024

Movements and Migration

Dispersal and Site Fidelity

Natal Philopatry and Dispersal

No information.

Adult Fidelity to Breeding Site and Dispersal

Studies of marked birds from 1988–2003 on the Seward Peninsula showed males much more site-faithful than females (134, 135, 118). Most males (13 of 19, 68%) were observed in one or more post-banding seasons, fewer females (3 of 15, 20%). All males reoccupied the same territories. One female went unseen for 3 post-banding seasons, then was found in season 4 paired with a marked male (a different mate than she had when captured) at a site approximately 1,200 m from the nest where she was originally banded. In post-banding season 5, this female was observed again (the last sighting), but only briefly during a skirmish with her season 4 mate (already paired with another female), who chased her away. The other two American Golden-Plover females were found in their first post-banding seasons, unseen thereafter. Both had different mates and were nesting approximately 550 m and 1,600 m, respectively, from their previous-season nests. From these inter-year distances, it is apparent that females may return to the same breeding locale, but are not site-specific enough to be detected. Similar findings were reported by Klima (136), who located a marked female nesting at “slightly over 1 km” from her study area. Distances up to 5 km are known in the Pacific Golden-Plover (Pluvialis fulva) (see 137). The range of inter-year distances between nests of marked males varies widely: 0 m (reuse of cup) to 500 m (n = 12) on the Seward Peninsula (135, 118), and 46–289 m (n = 3) in North Slope, Alaska (138).

Other fidelity records over consecutive post-banding seasons include: 4 of 7 males and 0 of 2 females returned at a site on North Slope, Alaska, 3 seasons (138); male return rate 72%, female 41%, 3 seasons, Churchill (see 139). The overall conclusion about breeding ground fidelity is that unlike comparable species of monogamous shorebirds, there is significant sex bias toward the male American Golden-Plover returning to specific nesting territories inter year. The same sex bias for site fidelity is true for the male Pacific Golden-Plover and the male Black-bellied Plover (Pluvialis squatarola)(139).

Fidelity to Overwintering Home Range

High return rates are typical in the Pacific Golden-Plover (see 137). Fidelity is probably similar in the American Golden-Plover, but no information is available.

Migration Overview

The American Golden-Plover makes lengthy migrations between tundra breeding grounds in North America and grasslands and coastal wetlands on overwintering grounds in South America. Migrations include nonstop over-water flights between the two continents, and refueling stopovers in the midwestern United States.

Timing and Routes of Migration

There is a lengthy period of fall migration since movements vary with breeding success and juveniles depart considerably later than adults. During this time, the species is widely dispersed as first arrivals on overwintering grounds occur before the last departures from tundra breeding grounds. Clay et al. (106) provided an extensive list of Important Bird Areas (global and regional) plus other important sites in North and South America where large numbers of plovers have been reported during spring and fall migrations.

The American Golden-Plover is well known for an elliptical migratory pattern: offshore nonstop trans-Atlantic route in fall, mid-continental flyway in spring (31). Recent tracking using geolocators (J. F. Lamarre, personal communication) substantiated this pattern, and also demonstrated trans-Gulf of Mexico and trans-Caribbean pathways, and supports much of what follows concerning both fall and spring migrations.

Southbound Migration

Adults begin leaving breeding grounds late in June to mid-July (probably failed breeders); most depart in August. Peak migration of adults in the Atlantic Provinces of Canada is 26 July–30 August (140). Juveniles linger in northerly regions until late August to early October. Reports of very late November to December transients in eastern North America (especially Florida and coastal states from the Carolinas to Texas) are probably all juveniles (see 110 for a summary of records).

Fall migration includes one or more stopovers (e.g., Foxe Peninsula [J. F. Lamarre, personal communication], in central Canada, southeastern Canada, and the New England coast) before the trans-Atlantic flight to South America (141, 142). Storms may disrupt the Atlantic passage, forcing birds to travel along the coastline or move inland. The southeastern coast of Beaufort Sea may be an important flyway for the American Golden-Plover departing Alaska breeding grounds (143). The latter source also documents eastward and southward migratory movements of shorebird flocks (many were probably American Golden-Plover) at numerous sites in the Northwest Passage region. Aside from the heavily used trans-Atlantic route, some birds travel southward on inland paths (e.g., the Missouri, Mississippi, and Ohio river valleys, and the eastern U.S. and Atlantic seaboard), and make stops along the way. These routes apparently lead to South America via trans-Gulf/Caribbean flights. Small numbers possibly follow the Pacific Coast along a flyway presumably extending to South America; these may be from westernmost breeding grounds (see 7 ). Some travel through the intermountain and mountainous West, or fly eastward across the Rocky Mountains (J. F. Lamarre, personal communication) then south via the mid-continent. Records along the Pacific Coast are ambiguous since the Pacific Golden-Plover occurs there, and misidentification is possible.

Fall passage through Trinidad, and Tobago, and northern South America, is not well understood. Reported as uncommon to fairly common transient, some birds apparently linger for several weeks before continuing their southward migration; about 9,000 birds were seen in coastal Guyana in early September 1991 (C. Faanes, personal communication). Many birds probably travel well inland before alighting, and some may fly directly to central Brazil. Routes apparently follow north–south river valleys where floodplains (water levels are low at this season), pastures, and similar habitats provide necessary resources. Based on dates of fall sightings, juveniles are more likely than adults to island-hop or stop short of the South American continent, and passage of juveniles appears to be farther west (consistent with inland pathways through North America) than that of adults. The extensive wetlands in the Pantanal region at the headwaters of the Paraguay River in Brazil are likely an important stopover for both adults and juveniles (144, 116). The rate of passage through interior South America is unknown. Birds arrive on overwintering grounds from late August to December.

Northbound Migration

Spring migration begins in late January with the major exodus in February, stragglers continue to leave until the end of April (48, 145, 146, 147, 52, 53, 148, 149). Northward movements from South America are along two very different routes, one continental, the other oceanic. The first route is an inland passage during a period that coincides with the flooding cycle in Brazil. Flooding makes river-valley habitats used in fall unavailable, thus Antas (144) posited a spring route west of the fall route, passing to the upper reaches of Amazonian rivers in Bolivia, Peru, and Colombia (this path now confirmed by J. F. Lamarre, personal communication). Birds following the inland route depart northwestern South America, pre-departure staging possibly occurs on high Andean plateaus (“large numbers can be seen around 4,000 m on altiplanos of northwestern Argentina, Bolivia, and Peru in March and April”; 150), and track along coasts of Central America and Mexico or fly directly across the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico en route to U.S. Gulf Coast. The second route (trans-Pacific, see Lamar et al. 2021 [151]) extends westward from the overwintering grounds, crosses the Andes, then arcs northward well offshore, parallels nearly the entire continent of South America, and finally reaches landfall in northern Central America/southern Mexico, where the path intersects with birds following the inland route. Howell and Webb (152) report the American Golden-Plover as widely distributed spring transients in Mexico, from interior to Atlantic slope ("major concentrations in central Vera Cruz") and the Pacific slope ("from Colima south"). How these observations relate to the two routes just described is unknown. Perhaps plovers on the Pacific slope are mostly trans-Pacific (second route above) migrants. Notably, the American Golden-Ploverwas not found during 2004–2006 coastal shorebird surveys of northern Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico (153). Records are insufficient to clarify spring passage through states along the U.S. Pacific Coast (154, 7, 155).

Migration through the U.S. and southern Canada is relatively leisurely and involves stopovers. The following timing and other details are compiled from numerous sources (e.g., 156, 157, 21, 158, 159, 92, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169). First arrivals in Texas, Louisiana, and Florida are in late February to early March, movements continue until May. Some birds alight on or near the coastline, others may continue farther inland. Variable arrival (no doubt influenced by weather) is early to late March, with the major influx during April over the broad region of the Missouri, Mississippi, and Ohio river valleys, primarily from Kansas to Kentucky northward to the Dakotas and southern Minnesota. Also a few birds appear along the Atlantic Coast of the U.S. and Canada to at least Nova Scotia, and in the far west from Nevada and Utah to northern Idaho and western Montana (some of the latter might be from the Pacific flyway and could include the Pacific Golden-Plover; see the eBird range map in 137). Passage through the upper midwestern U.S. and southern Canada usually peaks in early to mid May.

Timing of arrival on breeding grounds is influenced by latitude and snowmelt (170, 151), mostly mid-May to early June (59, 171, 46, 119, 120, 172, 37, 173, 170), at the latest around the third week of June in the extreme northern part of the range on Devon Island, Nunavut (174). Passage along the coast of the Beaufort Sea may be a major spring pathway for birds breeding in Alaska (175).

Remaining on overwintering range during the boreal summer is apparently unusual for the American Golden-Plover, but a few birds have been reported at various sites in South America including Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay (176). The full extent of this behavior is uncertain. Wetmore (177) noted scattered individuals during the Argentine winter and considered them either "wounded, sterile, or otherwise diseased" or lacking in "physiological incentive" for migration. Studies of the Pacific Golden-Plover (in which overwintering is fairly common) support the last alternative and suggest that stragglers in South America represent some fraction of first-year birds that are not yet sexually mature.

As of September 2017, there were 42 recoveries/encounters of banded American Golden-Plovers in files of the U.S. Geological Survey, Bird Banding Laboratory (BBL). Of these, five were over relatively long distances (3,827–8,561 km) consistent with migratory routes described above. Locations and dates were as follows:

  • Banded in southern Quebec (Mauricie Region), September 1948, and recovered in Guyana (near Georgetown), January 1949.
  • Banded in northern Illinois (LaSalle County), October 1955, and recovered in Guadaloupe, September 1958.
  • Banded on Victoria Island, Nunavut, July 1960, and recovered in northeastern Texas (near Pittsburg), March 1962.
  • Banded in Utqiagvik, Alaska, June 2009, and recovered in Aruba, October 2009.
  • Banded in Utqiagvik, Alaska, July 2011, and recovered in Guadaloupe, September 2013.

For additional discussion of spring and fall migration, including routes in both North and South America and counts of birds stopping over in various regions, see Clay et al. (106). Efforts to define breeding and overwintering areas using stable isotopes from feather samples were unsuccessful (178).

Migratory Behavior

Very little is known about the behavior of the migrant American Golden-Plover in remote areas such as interior South America and much of Alaska. Movements in North America appear to involve flocks feeding opportunistically, but migratory aggregations also occur in traditional stopover areas (161, 179, 180, 106, 62). The largest known spring aggregations have been documented in northwestern Indiana (Benton and White counties) and adjacent northeastern Illinois (159, 162). In Benton County, yearly surveys around 21 April from 1980–1986 ranged from about 4,000 to over 25,000 birds (181). In Benton and White counties, counts throughout the spring of 1998 indicated at least 42,000 plovers (possibly as many as 84,000) had stopped over amidst the region's agricultural fields (182). This area provides a spring migratory stopover for a period of about 45 d (individuals average 24 d). Extensive molting into alternate plumage occurs during this period (also see 15), and birds continuing northward migration typically depart during daylight hours (62).

Old reports (183) of American Golden-Plover fall staging grounds in Labrador and Nova Scotia were widely accepted. However, there is no hard evidence from Labrador (184), and no large concentrations have appeared in Nova Scotia for over a century (92). Either past observations were inaccurate or migratory routes have changed (also see 31). Data from geolocator-equipped plovers suggests that the Foxe Peninsula on Baffin Island is now an important fall staging site (J. F. Lamarre, personal communication). Details concerning pre-migratory behavior of the species in fall remain unreported.

From extensive radar studies in the North American Arctic, altitudes of migrating shorebird flocks (probably including the American Golden-Plover) were commonly around 1 km, often 2–4 km, occasionally > 5 km (185, 186, 143, 187, 188). The highest measured altitude of flocks (likely the American Golden-Plover) were 6 km over the Caribbean (141), and 6.65 km at Nova Scotia (189). Transoceanic navigation may be relatively simple: constant compass heading combined with effects of prevailing winds (141). The only known visual estimates of altitudes for the American Golden-Plover migrating during daylight hours were flocks at about 50 m in east-central Alaska (190).

Control and Physiology of Migration

No information concerning proximate stimuli. No studies of energetics associated with migration and breeding. These elements are probably similar to those of other long-distance migrant shorebirds (e.g., 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198), although having a cycle with lengthy continental passages that permit opportunistic and stopover feeding (especially in spring) differs significantly from extreme transoceanic flights like those of the Pacific Golden-Plover (199). Notably, many of the American Golden-Plovers sampled during a spring stopover in the Upper Midwest were relatively fat: 126–180 g (15), 147–238 g (62).

Recommended Citation

Johnson, O. W., P. G. Connors, and P. Pyle (2024). American Golden-Plover (Pluvialis dominica), version 2.0. In Birds of the World (B. K. Keeney, P. G. Rodewald, and S. M. Billerman, Editors). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA.
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