Birds of the World

Malaysian Bird Report


Malaysian Bird Report-logoThe Malaysian Bird Report is an inclusive non-profit publication that aims to bring together established and young birdwatchers and bird photographers to promote the understanding and study of bird ecology in Malaysia. The Malaysian Bird Report aims to function as a center for storage, exchange and dissemination of ornithological information. The Malaysian Bird Report is open source and available freely from the website.

The key aims include:

  1. Offer a publication vehicle to share field observations, research and expertise.
  2. To help the birdwatching community grow its understanding of bird behaviour, social interactions, identification, nesting, etc.
  3. To encourage birdwatchers and bird photographers to go beyond capturing images and try to document and write-up observations, especially of uncommon and unusual bird ecology.
  4. To publish and share Rare Bird Reports (MNS Bird Conservation Council Records Committee), New Breeding Records and Taxonomic Changes of Birds in Malaysia.
  5. To establish relations with local and international bird organisations and groups.

We hope these activities will help in the conservation of birds and their habitats.

If you are interested in being involved, supporting or contributing to the work please contact the committee at




  1. Malaysian Plover (Anarhynchus peronii) by Dave Bakewell, Popko Wiersma, Guy M. Kirwan, and Peter F. D. Boesman
  2. Streaked Spiderhunter (Arachnothera magna) by Amar-Singh HSS, Robert Cheke, and Clive Mann

As a new partner in 2024, additional accounts are under development.

Birds of the World


A global alliance of nature organizations working to document the natural history of all bird species at an unprecedented scale.