Birds of the World
Ornithological Note 328

Myiotriccus ornatus nest

Guy M. Kirwan June 29, 2016
Country: Colombia
Section(s): breeding biology, Ornate Flycatcher, Breeding

On 10 April 2016, a nest of Ornate Flycatcher (Myiornis ornatus stellatus) was discovered beside the Montezuma Road, in Tatamá National Park, dpto. Risaralda, western Colombia. It was attended by two adults. The nest was sited within what appeared to be a natural moss cavity, c. 5 m above ground (highlighted by the red square on the first photo) and, from what could be seen of it, broadly matched descriptions and photographs of nests of this species recently presented by (1). The behaviour of the adults suggested that the nest contained young, although none was audible. The nest-tree is shown in the second photograph, but the nest itself is not visible from the angle at which it was taken.

Nest-site of Myiotriccus ornatus Nest-tree of Myiotriccus ornatus 

Recommended Citation

Kirwan, G.M. (2016). Myiotriccus ornatus nest. HBW Alive Ornithological Note 328. In: Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona.
Birds of the World


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