Yellow-crested Helmetshrike Prionops alberti Scientific name definitions
- VU Vulnerable
- Names (18)
- Monotypic
Text last updated January 1, 2009
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Species names in all available languages
Language | Common name |
Catalan | prionop crestagroc |
Dutch | Geelkuifklauwier |
English | Yellow-crested Helmetshrike |
English (United States) | Yellow-crested Helmetshrike |
French | Bagadais d'Albert |
French (France) | Bagadais d'Albert |
German | Gelbschopf-Brillenvanga |
Japanese | キンカンメガネモズ |
Norwegian | gultopphjelmvarsler |
Polish | czołoczub żółtogłowy |
Russian | Желтохохлый шлемоголов |
Serbian | Žutoćubi svračak šlemaš |
Slovak | okuliarnatka parochňová |
Spanish | Prionopo Crestigualdo |
Spanish (Spain) | Prionopo crestigualdo |
Swedish | gultofsad hjälmtörnskata |
Turkish | Sarı Başlıklı Vanga |
Ukrainian | Багадаїс жовтоголовий |
Prionops alberti Schouteden, 1933
- alberti
The Key to Scientific Names
Legend Overview
Field Identification
22–24 cm; 61–62 g. Has rounded yellow crest (up to 20 mm) from lores to hindcrown, yellow extending down to level with eye (yellow crest feathers not always obvious in field, and can be fringed brown or grey); remainder of plumage black, glossed greenish; reported as sometimes showing white or grey bar across inner primaries; iris greenish-yellow, narrow orange orbital ring; bill black; legs dusky pinkish to reddish. Sexes similar. Juvenile has whitish, brownish or pale yellow crest, duller, less glossy, body plumage, brown eyes, brownish bill.
Systematics History
Mountains of W Albertine Rift in E DRCongo.
Diet and Foraging
Sounds and Vocal Behavior
Conservation Status
- Year-round
- Migration
- Breeding
- Non-Breeding