Mottle-cheeked Tyrannulet Phylloscartes ventralis Scientific name definitions
- LC Least Concern
- Names (24)
- Subspecies (3)
John W. Fitzpatrick
Version: 1.1 — Published September 1, 2023
Revision Notes
Revision Notes
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Species names in all available languages
Language | Common name |
Catalan | tiranet orellut olivaci |
Dutch | Vlekwanglooftiran |
English | Mottle-cheeked Tyrannulet |
English (United States) | Mottle-cheeked Tyrannulet |
French | Tyranneau ventru |
French (France) | Tyranneau ventru |
German | Olivgelb-Laubtyrann |
Japanese | コバシハエトリ |
Norwegian | nymfebladdanser |
Polish | tyrańczyk skromny |
Portuguese (Brazil) | borboletinha-do-mato |
Portuguese (Portugal) | Borboletinha-do-mato |
Russian | Лесной каричи |
Serbian | Tamnolika zviždakolika tirančica |
Slovak | kariča lesná |
Spanish | Orejerito Oliváceo |
Spanish (Argentina) | Mosqueta Carasucia |
Spanish (Paraguay) | Mosquetita común |
Spanish (Peru) | Moscareta de Mejilla Moteada |
Spanish (Spain) | Orejerito oliváceo |
Spanish (Uruguay) | Ligerito |
Swedish | fläckkindad dvärgtyrann |
Turkish | Zeytuni Yaprak Tiranı |
Ukrainian | Тиранчик оливкововолий |
Revision Notes
Carlos O. Gussoni contributed minor updates to several sections of the account, primarily in on the Diet and Foraging and Breeding pages. Peter Pyle contributed to the Plumages, Molts, and Structure page. Arnau Bonan Barfull curated the media.
Phylloscartes ventralis (Temminck, 1824)
Muscicapa ventralis
Temminck, 1824. Nouveau recueil de planches coloriées d'oiseaux, pour servir de suite et de complément aux planches enluminées de Buffon livr.46, textpl.275 fig.2.
Brazil; Ipanema, Sao Paulo, designated as type locality by Hellmayr, 1927, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 5, p. 350.
Avibase, 2023
- ventralis
The Key to Scientific Names
Legend Overview
UPPERCASE: current genus
Uppercase first letter: generic synonym
● and ● See: generic homonyms
lowercase: species and subspecies
●: early names, variants, misspellings
‡: extinct
†: type species
Gr.: ancient Greek
L.: Latin
<: derived from
syn: synonym of
/: separates historical and modern geographic names
ex: based on
TL: type locality
OD: original diagnosis (genus) or original description (species)
- Year-round
- Migration
- Breeding
- Non-Breeding
Distribution of the Mottle-cheeked Tyrannulet