Orange-breasted Falcon Falco deiroleucus Scientific name definitions
- NT Near Threatened
- Names (32)
- Monotypic
Text last updated September 1, 2009
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Species names in all available languages
Language | Common name |
Bulgarian | Оранжевогръд сокол |
Catalan | falcó de pit taronja |
Czech | ostříž rezavoprsý |
Dutch | Bonte Slechtvalk |
English | Orange-breasted Falcon |
English (United States) | Orange-breasted Falcon |
French | Faucon orangé |
French (France) | Faucon orangé |
German | Rotbrustfalke |
Japanese | アカハラハヤブサ |
Norwegian | langtåfalk |
Polish | sokół rudogardły |
Portuguese (Brazil) | falcão-de-peito-laranja |
Portuguese (Portugal) | Falcão-de-peito-laranja |
Russian | Рыжегрудый чеглок |
Serbian | Soko narandžastih grudi |
Slovak | sokol bielohrdlý |
Spanish | Halcón Pechinaranja |
Spanish (Argentina) | Halcón Negro Grande |
Spanish (Chile) | Halcón de pecho naranja |
Spanish (Costa Rica) | Halcón Pechirrufo |
Spanish (Ecuador) | Halcón Pechinaranja |
Spanish (Honduras) | Halcón Pecho Anaranjado |
Spanish (Mexico) | Halcón Pecho Canela |
Spanish (Panama) | Halcón Pechinaranja |
Spanish (Paraguay) | Halcón negro grande |
Spanish (Peru) | Halcón de Pecho Naranja |
Spanish (Spain) | Halcón pechinaranja |
Spanish (Venezuela) | Halcón Pechianaranjado |
Swedish | orangebröstad falk |
Turkish | Turuncu Göğüslü Doğan |
Ukrainian | Підсоколик рудогрудий |
Falco deiroleucus Temminck, 1825
- falco
- deiroleucus
The Key to Scientific Names
Legend Overview
This species account is dedicated in honor of Robert Berry, lifelong Orange-breasted Falcon conservationist and member of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology's Administrative Board.
Orange-breasted Falcon is a raptor of the Neotropics whose range historically stretched from southern Mexico through northern Argentina. It now is found only locally throughout its expansive range, with most current observations coming from a few well-known nesting locations. Never considered common anywhere, Orange-breasted Falcon’s current abundance and distribution are clouded by confusion with the similarly-plumaged Bat Falcon (Falco rufigularis); many purported records of Orange-breasted Falcons outside their known localities may pertain to that species.
- Year-round
- Migration
- Breeding
- Non-Breeding