Blue-footed Booby Sula nebouxii Scientific name definitions
- LC Least Concern
- Names (32)
- Subspecies (2)
José Alfredo Hernández Díaz and Erika Nathalia Salazar Gómez
Version: 1.0 — Published March 4, 2020
Text last updated May 27, 2011
Text last updated May 27, 2011
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Species names in all available languages
Language | Common name |
Bulgarian | Синьокрак рибояд |
Catalan | mascarell camablau |
Croatian | plavonoga bluna |
Czech | terej modronohý |
Dutch | Blauwvoetgent |
English | Blue-footed Booby |
English (United States) | Blue-footed Booby |
Finnish | sinijalkasuula |
French | Fou à pieds bleus |
French (France) | Fou à pieds bleus |
German | Blaufußtölpel |
Hungarian | Kéklábú szula |
Icelandic | Blásúla |
Japanese | アオアシカツオドリ |
Norwegian | blåfotsule |
Polish | głuptak niebieskonogi |
Russian | Голубоногая олуша |
Serbian | Plavonoga bluna |
Slovak | sula modronohá |
Slovenian | Modronogi strmoglavec |
Spanish | Piquero Camanay |
Spanish (Chile) | Piquero de patas azules |
Spanish (Costa Rica) | Piquero Patiazul |
Spanish (Ecuador) | Piquero Patas Azules |
Spanish (Honduras) | Bobo Patas Azules |
Spanish (Mexico) | Bobo Patas Azules |
Spanish (Panama) | Piquero Patiazul |
Spanish (Peru) | Piquero de Pata Azul |
Spanish (Spain) | Piquero camanay |
Swedish | blåfotad sula |
Turkish | Mavi Ayaklı Sümsük |
Ukrainian | Сула блакитнонога |
Sula nebouxii Milne-Edwards, 1882
Sula Nebouxii
Milne-Edwards, 1882. Annales des Sciences Naturelles Zoologie (6), 13 art.4, p.37 pl.14.
Pacific coast of America. Type assumed from Chile.
Avibase, 2023
- sula
- nebouxi / nebouxii
The Key to Scientific Names
Legend Overview
UPPERCASE: current genus
Uppercase first letter: generic synonym
● and ● See: generic homonyms
lowercase: species and subspecies
●: early names, variants, misspellings
‡: extinct
†: type species
Gr.: ancient Greek
L.: Latin
<: derived from
syn: synonym of
/: separates historical and modern geographic names
ex: based on
TL: type locality
OD: original diagnosis (genus) or original description (species)
- Year-round
- Migration
- Breeding
- Non-Breeding
Distribution of the Blue-footed Booby