Long-billed Dowitcher Limnodromus scolopaceus Scientific name definitions
- LC Least Concern
- Names (58)
- Monotypic
John Y. Takekawa and Nils D. Warnock
Version: 1.0 — Published March 4, 2020
Text last updated January 1, 2000
Text last updated January 1, 2000
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Species names in all available languages
Language | Common name |
Arabic | شنقب طويل المنقار |
Asturian | Punzonete escolopaceu |
Azerbaijani | Uzundimdik qumluq cüllütü |
Bulgarian | Дългоклюн вретенаp |
Catalan | tetolet becllarg |
Chinese | 長嘴半蹼鷸 |
Chinese (Hong Kong SAR China) | 長嘴鷸 |
Chinese (SIM) | 长嘴鹬 |
Croatian | dugokljuna šljukolika |
Czech | slukovec dlouhozobý |
Danish | Langnæbbet Sneppeklire |
Dutch | Grote Grijze Snip |
English | Long-billed Dowitcher |
English (United States) | Long-billed Dowitcher |
Faroese | Nevlangur snípustelkur |
Finnish | tundrakurppelo |
French | Bécassin à long bec |
French (France) | Bécassin à long bec |
Galician | Mazarico de bico longo |
German | Tundraschlammläufer |
Greek | Λιμνόδρομος |
Haitian Creole (Haiti) | Bekasin bèk long |
Hebrew | חרטומנית ארוכת-מקור |
Hungarian | Hosszúcsőrű cankógoda |
Icelandic | Kanaduðra |
Indonesian | Trinil-lumpur paruh-panjang |
Italian | Limnodromo pettorossiccio |
Japanese | オオハシシギ |
Korean | 긴부리도요 |
Lithuanian | Ilgasnapis dumblius |
Malayalam | കരിപ്പ്രാക്കാട |
Mongolian | Хараалжин цууцил |
Norwegian | langnebbekkasinsnipe |
Persian | پاشلک نوک دراز |
Polish | szlamiec długodzioby |
Portuguese (Brazil) | maçarico-de-bico-comprido |
Portuguese (Portugal) | Maçarico-de-bico-comprido |
Romanian | Sitar de nămol cu cioc lung |
Russian | Американский бекасовидный веретенник |
Serbian | Dugokljuna šljukolika |
Slovak | brežník dlhozobý |
Slovenian | Dolgokljuni greznik |
Spanish | Agujeta Escolopácea |
Spanish (Costa Rica) | Agujeta Silbona |
Spanish (Cuba) | Zarapico becasina de pico largo |
Spanish (Dominican Republic) | Agujeta Piquilarga |
Spanish (Ecuador) | Agujeta Piquilarga |
Spanish (Honduras) | Costurero Pico Largo |
Spanish (Mexico) | Costurero Pico Largo |
Spanish (Panama) | Agujeta Piquilarga |
Spanish (Peru) | Agujeta de Pico Largo |
Spanish (Puerto Rico) | Agujeta Piquilarga |
Spanish (Spain) | Agujeta escolopácea |
Spanish (Venezuela) | Becasina Migratoria Pico Largo |
Swedish | större beckasinsnäppa |
Thai | นกซ่อมทะเลปากยาว |
Turkish | Uzun Gagalı Suçulluğu |
Ukrainian | Неголь довгодзьобий |
Limnodromus scolopaceus (Say, 1822)
Limosa scolopacea
Say, 1822. Account of an expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains, performed in the years 1819 and '20, by order of the Hon. J. C. Calhoun, Sec'y of War: under the command of Major Stephen H. Long. From the notes of Major Long, Mr. T. Say, and other gentlemen of the exploring party 1, p.170,note.
Near Boyer Creek Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Avibase, 2023
- scolopacea / scolopaceus
The Key to Scientific Names
Legend Overview
UPPERCASE: current genus
Uppercase first letter: generic synonym
● and ● See: generic homonyms
lowercase: species and subspecies
●: early names, variants, misspellings
‡: extinct
†: type species
Gr.: ancient Greek
L.: Latin
<: derived from
syn: synonym of
/: separates historical and modern geographic names
ex: based on
TL: type locality
OD: original diagnosis (genus) or original description (species)
- Year-round
- Migration
- Breeding
- Non-Breeding
Distribution of the Long-billed Dowitcher