Mayr's Forest Rail Rallicula mayri Scientific name definitions
Revision Notes
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Species names in all available languages
Language | Common name |
Catalan | rasclet de Mayr |
Czech | chřástalík kyklopský |
Dutch | Mayrkaneelral |
English | Mayr's Forest Rail |
English (United States) | Mayr's Forest Rail |
French | Râle de Mayr |
French (France) | Râle de Mayr |
German | Zyklopenralle |
Japanese | クリイロパプアクイナ |
Norwegian | brunvingerikse |
Polish | rudokurka kasztanowata |
Russian | Новогвинейский пастушок |
Serbian | Majerov šumski petlić |
Slovak | pandanka kyklopská |
Spanish | Polluela de Mayr |
Spanish (Spain) | Polluela de Mayr |
Swedish | Mayrs rall |
Turkish | Mayr Kestane Yelvesi |
Ukrainian | Погонич Майра |
Revision Notes
Luca Bielski prepared the account for the 2023 Clements taxonomy update.
Rallicula mayri Hartert, 1930
- mayri
The Key to Scientific Names
Legend Overview
Field Identification
20–23cm; male 123–136 (mean 128) g, 3 females measured 112–123 (mean 118) g. The only Rallina species of montane forest within its range. Predominantly reddish chestnut plumage of male similar to that of brighter male Chestnut Forest Rail (Rallicula rubra), which lacks bars on tail. Female has dark chestnut brown back and upperwing with large black-margined buff spots; similar to female Forbes's Forest Rail (Rallicula forbesi) and White-striped Forest Rail (Rallicula leucospila), both also having indistinct blackish bars on belly and thighs, but present species considerably duller; female Chestnut Forest Rail lacks well defined bars on underparts and tail, and has spotted upper mantle. Immature and juvenile undescribed. Subspecies separated on overall color, carmichaeli darker brown.
Systematics History
Editor's Note: This article requires further editing work to merge existing content into the appropriate Subspecies sections. Please bear with us while this update takes place.
Closely related to White-striped Forest Rail and Forbes's Forest Rail. Two subspecies are recognized.
Rallicula mayri mayri Scientific name definitions
Cyclops Mts (north-central New Guinea).
Rallicula mayri mayri Hartert, 1930
- mayri
The Key to Scientific Names
Legend Overview
Rallicula mayri carmichaeli Scientific name definitions
Foja, Torricelli and Bewani Mts (north-central New Guinea).
Rallicula mayri carmichaeli Diamond, 1969
- mayri
- carmichaeli
The Key to Scientific Names
Legend Overview
Editor's Note: Additional distribution information for this taxon can be found in the 'Subspecies' article above. In the future we will develop a range-wide distribution article.
Floor of montane forest, at 1,100–2,200 m.
Diet and Foraging
Sounds and Vocal Behavior
Conservation Status
Not globally threatened (Least Concern). Mayr's Forest Rail is a restricted-range species: present in North Papuan Mountains EBA, and found on four isolated coastal mountain ranges. It is known only from a handful of specimens and a series of sightings over the past several decades. It was apparently common in secure habitat in 1960s (1), but not found on a visit to Cyclops Mts in 1992 BirdLife International (2015) Species factsheet: Rallicula mayri. Downloaded from on 26/05/2016.. The species was recorded on all of five expeditions in Foja Mts, where it was rare to fairly common or common (2, 3). Although localized with a highly specific habitat, its true distribution may be larger than presently known. There is no information on population size or trends, but the species inhabits isolated mountains which are rarely visited, suggesting that threats are minimal and the population is likely stable.
- Year-round
- Migration
- Breeding
- Non-Breeding