Bare-legged Swiftlet Aerodramus nuditarsus Scientific name definitions
- LC Least Concern
- Names (20)
- Monotypic
Text last updated July 10, 2014
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Species names in all available languages
Language | Common name |
Catalan | salangana camanua |
Czech | salangana novoguinejská |
Dutch | Naaktpootsalangaan |
English | Bare-legged Swiftlet |
English (United States) | Bare-legged Swiftlet |
French | Salangane de Salomonsen |
French (France) | Salangane de Salomonsen |
German | Nacktfußsalangane |
Indonesian | Walet kaki-botak |
Japanese | パプアヤマアナツバメ |
Norwegian | nakenbeinsalangan |
Polish | salangana gołonoga |
Russian | Голоногая салангана |
Serbian | Golonoga čiopica |
Slovak | salangána holonohá |
Spanish | Salangana Tarsidesnuda |
Spanish (Spain) | Salangana tarsidesnuda |
Swedish | barbent salangan |
Turkish | Çıplak Bacaklı Yelyutan |
Ukrainian | Салангана голонога |
Aerodramus nuditarsus (Salomonsen, 1962)
- nuditarsus
The Key to Scientific Names
Legend Overview
Field Identification
14 cm. Large swiftlet with shallow tail-fork; dark brown above, rump uniform, with extensive pale fringes on lores and over eye; uniformly sooty-grey underparts; apparently some variation in rami colouring. Bare tarsi, glossless upperparts and presence of 4 toes distinguish present species from A. papuensis. No information available as to whether or not species is capable of echolocation.
Systematics History
C, S & SE New Guinea. May breed N of central watershed in Schrader Range.
Collected mainly in highlands, though also as low as 30 m above sea-level.
Diet and Foraging
Nothing known.
Sounds and Vocal Behavior
No information.
No information available.
Conservation Status
Not globally threatened. Restricted-range species: present in Central Papuan Mountains EBA. Believed to be uncommon, and certainly species is relatively uncommon in museum collections. Biology and ecology almost totally unknown; extensive research required.
- Year-round
- Migration
- Breeding
- Non-Breeding