Nechisar Nightjar Caprimulgus solala Scientific name definitions
- VU Vulnerable
- Names (19)
- Monotypic
Text last updated June 23, 2015
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Species names in all available languages
Language | Common name |
Catalan | enganyapastors de Nechisar |
Czech | lelek nechisarský |
Dutch | Nechisarnachtzwaluw |
English | Nechisar Nightjar |
English (United States) | Nechisar Nightjar |
French | Engoulevent du Nechisar |
French (France) | Engoulevent du Nechisar |
German | Nechisarnachtschwalbe |
Japanese | エチオピアヨタカ |
Norwegian | nechisarnattravn |
Polish | lelek etiopski |
Russian | Нечисарский козодой |
Serbian | Nečisarski leganj |
Slovak | lelek etiópsky |
Spanish | Chotacabras de Nechisar |
Spanish (Spain) | Chotacabras de Nechisar |
Swedish | nechisarnattskärra |
Turkish | Neçisar Çobanaldatanı |
Ukrainian | Дрімлюга субтропічний |
Caprimulgus solala Safford et al., 1995
- caprimulgus
- solala
The Key to Scientific Names
Legend Overview
Field Identification
Systematics History
Insufficient information; species is known from a single wing taken from a dead individual on a road in Nechisar Plains, in S Ethiopia.
Diet and Foraging
Sounds and Vocal Behavior
No information.
Conservation Status
VULNERABLE. Restricted-range species: present in South Ethiopian Highlands EBA. Known from a single wing salvaged from a road corpse on the Nechisar Plains in S Ethiopia. Distribution unknown, but this species is considered unlikely to be widespread or common. Not recorded during c. 200 hours of nocturnal surveys in the area, despite field observations of over 100 individuals of four other nightjar species (3). Subsequent searches have proved similarly unproductive, although few birds have been examined in the hand (3). A purported 2009 sighting has not been published (4, 5) BirdLife International (2015) Species factsheet: Caprimulgus solala. Downloaded from on 23/06/2015. . The dead type specimen was found in a treeless area of gently undulating plains that cover 270 km² (3). These plains lie within Nechisar National Park (IUCN Cat. II; 514 km²), but future of this is threatened by heavy grazing by domestic stock, clearance of trees for fuelwood and building, and fires. A management programme for the park, including plans for resettlement of illegal settlers, is no longer operational. Further survey work needed in order to obtain information on its true status. Correctly identifying the species will be challenging, and will require sound-recordings or photographs.
- Year-round
- Migration
- Breeding
- Non-Breeding