Birds of the World

Eurasian Griffon Gyps fulvus Scientific name definitions

Alfredo Salvador
Version: 6.0 — Published July 26, 2024

Demography and Populations


The Eurasian Griffon typically reaches sexual maturity at about four years old. Nesting rates of territorial pairs varies between 67–96%. Pairs typically lay one egg, and rarely two; replacement clutches can be laid when the egg is lost during incubation, but rarely after the first egg hatches. The highest proportion of nest failures occur during the egg stage. The number of fledglings per egg-laying pair varies between 0.45–0.95, and the number of fledglings per territorial pair that bred ranged between 0.52 and 0.80. A maximum life span in the wild of at least 35 years has been recorded. A survival rate of 0.65 has been calculated for the first year of life (lower in pale-colored males that in darker ones), higher annual survival rates (0.94) between ages two and 27 years, and then lower survival rates of 0.82 after 28 years of life.

Measures of Breeding Activity

Age At First Breeding

In the Grands Causses (France), the Eurasian Griffon begins breeding after four to five years (238). Most Eurasian Griffon at Hoces del Rio Riaza Natural Park, Segovia (Spain) breed for the first time at around 6 years of age (n = 154; 236). Sexual maturity and reproduction begins before obtaining adult plumage. Mixed pairs in Spain were comprised of one member with adult plumage and the other with subadult plumage; in all cases, the subadult partner was female (n = 22; 362). In Crete (Greece), 89.5% of territorial pairs were comprised of adult plumaged birds, 10.1% were mixed pairs with one adult and one subadult plumaged bird, and 0.4% of pairs were comprised of two subadult plumaged birds (n = 514; 391).

Intervals Between Breeding

The intervals between breeding events in territorial pairs are not known. However, there is information on the nesting rates of territorial pairs. In Crete (Greece), the mean annual nesting rate of territorial pairs recorded over 10 years was 70% ± 5.6 SD (range 62.2–77.6, n = 1,418 pairs; 391). In other areas, nesting rates of territorial pairs ranged between 67% in Serbia (417), 73% in Sardinia (Italy; 418), 80% in Castellón (Spain; 398), 82% in the Pyrenees Mountains (Spain; 419), 84% in León (Spain; 420), 87% in the Basque region (421), 95% in Guipúzcoa (Spain; 392), 87–96% in Navarra (Spain; 422), 95% in the Cantabrian Mountains (Spain; 419), and 96% in Hoces del Duratón Natural Park (Segovia, Spain; 423).

Annual and Lifetime Reproductive Success

Hatching Success

In Crete (Greece), the proportion of eggs hatched compared to the total number of eggs laid was 87.2% (n = 998) from 1996–2005 (391). On the islands of the Kvarner Gulf (Croatia), hatching success in 2017 was 70% (n = 108), but it varied between 62% (n = 40) and 94% (n = 19) in two colonies on Cres Island (424). In Cyprus, hatching success was 78% (n = 104; 185).

In Crete, the highest proportion of nest failures occurred during the egg stage. Most failed breeding attempts were recorded during incubation (50%), 16% during hatching, and 34% during chick-rearing (n = 70; 391).

Breeding Success

Across populations, breeding success (the number of fledglings per egg-laying pair per year) appears to be related to climatic conditions, date of laying, the ages of the breeding pair, colony size, and colony density.

In Crete, breeding success was negatively associated with the duration of spring rainfall (391). Similar results were recorded in the Pyrenees (France-Spain; 425, 422). While there is evidence that weather can affect reproductive success, there is little information on how nest site selection affects reproductive success. In Valdemaqueda and Robledo de Chavela (Madrid, Spain), 23 nests were documented on cliffs and four nests in trees in 2004; all of them fledged (426).

Early breeders were more successful than mid- and late-season breeders, and adult pairs had a higher breeding success (0.81) than mixed pairs of adults and subadults (0.25; 391). Individuals hatched earlier in the breeding season also showed higher productivity in later years than those that hatched later in the season (18).

In Crete (Greece), there was no significant variation in breeding success recorded among colonies of 1–13 pairs (± 5 SD, n = 23; 391). However, in Navarra (Spain), one study monitored the number of breeding pairs within a 25 km radius of a colony and found that regional density was the main factor influencing breeding success: as the density of breeding pairs in the area increased, the chances of successfully raising young decreased (427).

In Sardinia (Italy), breeding success was higher in nests exposed to a high wind speed, not covered by natural shelters, where the vegetation was mostly represented by shrubs and pastures, in areas with low human disturbance, and in years with low rainfall (369).

According to Spanish national censuses, breeding success decreased from 0.78 in 1989 (n = 931) to 0.75 in 1999 (n = 5,862), 0.67 in 2008 (n = 12,166), and 0.63 in 2018 (n = 10,130; 368). See Population Regulation.

The rate of breeding success varies across the range of the Eurasian Griffon: it has been recorded as 0.45 in Georgia (428), <0.50 in Israel (108), 0.50 in Hoces de Riaza (Spain; 429), 0.52–0.86 in Navarra Region (Spain; 422), 0.57 in Grand Causses (France; 238), 0.60 in Croatia (176), 0.61 in Sardinia (Italy; 184), 0.67 in the Cataluña Region (Spain; 430), 0.67 in Guipúzcoa (Basque region, Spain; 431), 0.67 in Uzbekistan (432), 0.68 in León (Spain; 420), 0.68 in Hoces del Duratón Natural Park (Spain; 423), 0.68 in Alava (Basque region, Spain; 421), 0.69 in Riba–Côa (Portugal; 433), 0.70 in the Mediterranean Alps (France; 182), 0.71 in the Eastern Rhodope Mountains (Bulgaria; 434), 0.73 in Bulgaria (435), 0.74 in Crete (Greece; 391), 0.74 in Cyprus (185), 0.76 in the Pyrenees (France; 395), 0.77 in Sardinia (Italy; 418), 0.77 in the Pyrenees (Spain; 419), 0.81 in Serbia (436), 0.83 in Castellón (Spain; 398), 0.84 in the Cantabrian Mountains (Spain; 419), 0.85 in Ukraine (437), 0.87 in Guipúzcoa (Spain; 392), 0.89 in Serbia (417), 0.95 in Cyprus (185), and 100% in Turkmenistan (340).

Estimates of Productivity

Similar to estimates of breeding success, estimates of productivity (the number of fledglings per territorial pair per year) varies across the species' range and over time: it has been recorded as 0.43 in Sardinia (Italy; 184), 0.52 in Crete (Greece; 391), 0.56 in Sardinia (Italy; 418), 0.57 in Serbia (436), 0.57 in León (Spain; 420), 0.59 in Alava (Basque region, Spain; 421), 0.50–0.75 in Navarra (Spain; 422), 0.60 in Serbia (417), 0.63 in the Pyrenees Mountains (Spain; 419), 0.65 in Guipúzcoa (Basque region, Spain; 431), 0.65 in Hoces del Duratón Natural Park (Segovia, Spain; 423), 0.66 in Castellón (Spain; 398), 0.71 in the Eastern Rhodope mountains (Bulgaria; 434), 0.74 in Cyprus (185), 0.76 in Guipúzcoa (Spain; 392), and 0.80 in the Cantabrian Mountains (Spain; 419).

The effect of colony size on productivity does not seem to affect small colonies, in which interference competition would be low, but in large colonies it is more evident. In Crete (Greece), no significant variation was recorded in productivity among colonies of 1–13 pairs (n = 23 ± 5 SD; 391). In Spain, productivity was higher (0.72) in smaller colonies (11–30 pairs) and lower (0.59) in larger colonies (>90 pairs; 419).

According to Spanish national censuses, productivity decreased from 0.65 (1989), to 0.62 (2008), and 0.56 (2018; 368). See Population Regulation.

Lifetime Reproductive Success

There is no information about lifetime reproductive success in the Eurasian Griffon. In 100 birds followed from birth to the age of 16 years (including those that did not survive) in Hoces del Riaza Natural Park (Segovia, Spain), the darkest plumaged individuals showed a tendency to produce more offspring than the lightest (18).

Life Span and Survivorship

The oldest Eurasian Griffon documented in a study in France was at least 35 years old (438); another study recorded a maximum life span of 41.4 years for a Eurasian Griffon in captivity (439).

A 32-year study of banded Eurasian Griffon in Grands Causses (France) showed an estimated survival rate of 0.65 during the first year of life (n = 1,152). Between ages two and 27 years, the estimated annual survival rates (0.94) were high and stable, and there was little heterogeneity among individuals. Beyond 28 years, individuals were classified as senescent, and the annual survival rate decreased to 0.82. The temporal variation in the survival of senescent birds was negatively and marginally associated with the range of temperatures during winter and summer. There was greater temporal variation in the annual survival probabilities in the juvenile and senescent age classes (438). Another study in Hoces del Riaza Natural Park (Segovia, Spain) showed differences in survival related to the sex and plumage color of fledglings. Darker males had higher survival rates (0.86 ± 0.12 SE) during their first year than paler ones (0.39 ± 0.25 SE); contrary to the pattern in males, paler females in their first year had higher survival rates (0.92 ± 0.09 SE) than darker females (0.81 ± 0.16 SE), though the differences were less pronounced than in males (18).

Eurasian Griffon survival may also vary depending on habitat degradation. Mean estimated yearly survival rates were lower in an area with more anthropogenic disturbance (0.817 ± 0.043 SE, n = 36, Middle Ebro Valley, northeastern Spain) than in a more natural area (0.968 ± 0.018 SE, n = 30, Sierras de Cazorla Segura y las Villas Natural Park, southeastern Spain; 440). Individuals living in more anthropized areas of northern Spain had shorter telomeres and elevated levels of glucocorticoid hormones than those living in more natural areas of southern Spain (441).

Disease and Body Parasites


Zoonotic pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, various single-celled parasites, fungi, and even human pathogens, have been found in the Eurasian Griffon. Some of these pathogens have been bacteria associated with supplemental feeding stations and presented resistance to multiple antibiotics (442).

Several bacteria have been recorded in the Eurasian Griffon, but its effects on the host are not well known. The infectious disease salmonellosis, caused by bacteria of the genus Salmonella, has been found in the present species (443, 444). Salmonella was isolated in 52.6% of the individuals in a sample (n = 97) from Spain (445). In a sample from northeastern Spain (n = 218), antimicrobial resistant Salmonella sp. and Campylobacter lari were isolated in 8.1% and 4.7% of individuals, respectively (446).

Avian tuberculosis, caused by Mycobacterium avium, was detected in a Eurasian Griffon found dead in Serbia (447). Rickettsia spp., an intracellular bacteria, and Anaplasma phagocytophilum, a bacteria transmitted by ticks and causing anaplasmosis, have been detected in Eurasian Griffon from Spain (448).

Coxiella burnetii, the intracellular bacterial pathogen that causes Q fever, was detected in birds in the Basque region (Spain; 449). Staphylococcus aureus, a commensal bacterium of the human microbiota that can become an opportunistic pathogen, has also been detected in the Eurasian Griffon (450). In the wild, Eurasian Griffon can be natural reservoirs of Chlamydiaceae spp., as detected in Spain (451). Another bacterium detected in the species from southern Spain is Mycoplasma spp. (452). Two Mycoplasma strains were also isolated in a sample of four Eurasian Griffon from Sardinia (Italy; 453). Mycoplasmas (Mycoplasma gallinarum, Mycoplasma glycophilum, and a similar species to Mycoplasma falconis) were isolated in dead and sick Eurasian Griffon originated from Spain and kept in captivity in Sicily (Italy) to be reintroduced into the wild (454).

Some serotypes of Escherichia coli can cause food poisoning in their hosts. In one study, 14 Escherichia coli strains were identified in 10 of 17 Eurasian Griffon from Alicante (Spain; 455). In another study of birds from Spain (n = 75), commensal and pathogenic bacteria were recorded; Escherichia coli and Enterococcus faecalis were isolated in cloacal and pharyngeal samples, Staphylococcus and Erysipelothrix in the pharynx, and Salmonella and Corynebacterium from the cloacae (456). Two pathogens of pigs, Escherichia coli and Clostridioides difficile, were examined in wild birds fed pig carcasses at supplementary feeding stations in Comunidad Valenciana Region (Spain); Escherichia coli was isolated from 86.5% of samples, and Clostridioides difficile was detected in 2.9% samples (n = 104; 457). In a site close to a landfill where Eurasian Griffon regularly fed on organic waste in Osona (Catalonia, Spain), high-risk Escherichia coli lineages associated with hospital infections were isolated from 39.9% of individuals (n = 218 total birds sampled; 458).

Several viruses have been found in the Eurasian Griffon. Flavivirus spp. were detected in birds from Spain (448, 459), and Usutu virus, also a flavivirus that mainly infects Culex mosquitoes and birds, was detected in humans in Europe. Anti-Usutu virus specific antibodies were detected in one Eurasian Griffon from Extremadura Region (Spain; 460). West Nile virus is another flavivirus transmitted by mosquitoes to birds which has also been detected in humans. In wild Eurasian Griffon from Extremadura Region (Spain), specific antibodies against West Nile virus were detected in 18.18% of sampled individuals (n = 110; 460). West Nile virus was also detected in Eurasian Griffon found dead in Serbia (461). Avian poxvirus and avian papillomavirus associated with cutaneous lesions have also been reported in Eurasian Griffon from Italy (462).

Emerging diseases can cause mass mortality in the Eurasian Griffon. In Spain and France, hundreds of chicks and several adult Eurasian Griffon were found dead in 2022 during a pathogenic avian influenza outbreak (H5N1 HPAI virus). Infected birds showed periods of immobility at their nest or roost site over a period of 5.6 d on average (n = 21), and breeding success decreased from 0.69 between 2019 and 2021 to 0.27 in 2022 (463).

Some Apicomplexa, a group of parasitic alveolates, have been recorded in the Eurasian Griffon. Species of the genus Babesia can infect vertebrates, including humans, with Babesia moshkovskii having been detected in the Eurasian Griffon (Spain; 464). Antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii, a zoonotic intracellular parasite, have also been found in the species (Spain, 465, 466; Portugal, 467); in Israel, 39.6% of sampled birds (n = 101) were found to be Toxoplasma gondii seropositive (468).

Lastly, yeasts (Fungi) have also been recorded in the Eurasian Griffon. In Spain, lesions have been found in the oral cavity of nestlings and adults produced by yeasts, mainly of the genus Candida. The number of lesions was significantly higher in nestlings (n = 29 individuals) than in adults (n = 54 individuals; 469). Aspergillosis, caused by the fungus Aspergillus sp., was detected in Eurasian Griffon found dead from Western Uttar Pradesh, India (470), and Serbia (461). Avian aspergillosis was identified in Portugal as cause of mortality in three Eurasian Griffon (471).

Body Parasites


Phthiraptera Amblycera: Nosopon casteli (Spain, 472; Portugal, 473), Laemobothrion vulturis (Spain, 474, 475, 476, 477; Portugal, 473; Bulgaria, 478; Iran, 479), Neocolpocephalum gypsi (Italy, 480; Iran, 479), Colpocephalum turbinatum (Spain, 475, 481, 477; Portugal, 473), Cuculiphilus gypsis (Spain, 481; Bulgaria, 478), Laemobothrion circi (= Laemobothrion maximum, Switzerland, 482).

Phthiraptera Ischnocera: Falcolipeurus quadripustulatus ( India, 483; Spain, 484, 475, 477; Bulgaria, 478; Portugal , 473; Iran, 479), Falcolipeurus sulcifrons (Hungary, 485), Aegypoecus trigonoceps (Spain, 486; Hungary, 485; Bulgaria, 478), Philopterus brevicollis (= Aegypoecus brevicollis, Switzerland, 482), Esthiopterum monile (Switzerland, 482).

Acari: Argas gilcolladoi (Spain, 487), Argas persicus (Spain, 448), Neottialges (Caloenectes) vulturis (Kyrgyzstan, 488; Italy, 489, 490).

Insecta Diptera Hippoboscidae: Icosta meda (Israel, 491, 492).

Fly larvae (Insecta), have been found in the Eurasian Griffon. Myasis, parasitic infestation by Lucilia sp., has been recorded from Austria (493).


Trematodes: Conodiplostomum spathula (Egypt, 494).

Nematodes: Toxocara sp. (Croatia, 495), Cornea leptoptera, Serratospiculum guttatum (regions adjacent to Black Sea and Caspian Sea, 496), Porrocaecum angusticolle (China, 497).

Cestodes: Ligula intestinalis (Switzerland, 498), Moniezia sp. (Croatia, 495), Mesocestoides perlatus (Azerbaijan, 499).

Acanthocephala: Centrorhynchus olssoni (Azerbaijan, 500).

Coccidians: Isospora sp. was detected at low infection intensities (Spain, 501).

No hematozoan parasites were found in a sample (n = 82) of Eurasian Griffon from Spain (502). In another study, however, haemosporidian parasites of the genus Leucocytozoon, lineage CIAE02, were detected in 3.1% of nestlings examined from central Spain (n = 128; 401).

Causes of Mortality

Direct Human Impacts

The most common sources of anthropogenic mortality were accidental trauma caused by collisions with wind turbines and power lines. Other causes of mortality included poisoning, shooting, and collisions with planes, trains, and automobiles. See Conservation and Management.


Predation of eggs and nestling can occur. See Predation.


Some deaths result from falling to the base of the breeding cliff, where nestlings are predated or die of starvation. In colonies located near the sea, some fledglings have been recorded falling to the sea during their first flight (85, 409, 185). In addition to fledglings falling into the sea, adults have also been recorded falling into the sea, as well as getting stranded in desert habitats and later starving. See Movements and Migration.

Population Spatial Metrics

Individual Distance

In Castellón Province (Spain), the mean distance to the nearest nest inside a colony was 72.93 m ± 99.54 SD (range 4–498 m; 398). In Herzegovina, the mean distance between two nests was 137 m, and the minimum distance was 0.5 m (202). In Armenia, two pairs nested in a single cavity separated by a 3 m rock barrier (317). In Turkmenistan, the minimum distance between nearest nests was 5 m (340).

Territory Size

The area defended against conspecifics is very small and includes the nest and the area within pecking distance of the nest (272); the defended territory can also extend to a 5 m radius around the nest (344).

Home Range Size

The size of the home range may vary due to multiple factors. In Spain, adult mean annual home-range size (95% Kernel density) was 5,027 km2 ± 2,123 SD (n = 43 males and 84 females GPS-tagged). Home range size was larger in spring and summer than in autumn and winter, and females had larger home-ranges than males. Birds from northern areas of the Iberian Peninsula had smaller home-ranges than those from southern ones (503).

In Grands Causses (France), mean home range size (95% Kernel density estimation) was 962 km2 ± 623 SD (n = 28), and the mean core area was 109 ± 80 km2 (50% Kernel density estimate). Home range size (95% Kernel density estimate) was larger in spring (1,272 km2 ± 752 SD) than in winter (473 km2 ± 237 SD), and no differences in home range size were found between adults and immatures nor between males and females (280). Foraging ranges of 620–1,383 km2 in a radius of 14.5–20.9 km from the colony have been recorded in Israel (504). Mean home range size (minimum convex polygon) in Appennino centrale (Italy) was 3,044 km2 ± 1,481 SD, and was significantly larger in summer (2,623 km2 ± 1,098 SD) than in winter (1,531 km2 ± 1,326 SD, n = 9; 505). In Teruel Province (Aragón Region, Spain), mean home range size (minimum convex polygon) of adult Eurasian Griffon was 92 km2 (range of 22.9–161 km2, n = 5; 506).

Nonbreeding Eurasian Griffon have larger home ranges than breeders. Movements (95% Kernel density estimate) of immatures and subadults (n = 8) in Austria, Italy, and Croatia covered areas of 1,411–8,589 km2 and core areas (50% Kernel density estimate) of 300–1,543 km2 (507). Mean home range area in summer of nonbreeding Eurasian Griffon in the Pyrenees (France) was 2,378 km2 ± 969 SD (n = 20; 95% Kernel density estimation) and 213 km2 ± 160 SD (n = 20; 50% kernel density estimation; 357). Mean home range size of nonbreeding birds in eastern Spain was 4,078 km2 (95% Kernel density estimate) and 489 km2 (50% Kernel density estimate, n = 8; 222). In Bulgaria, mean home range (95% Kernel density estimate) of immatures was 7,893 km2 ± 20,645 SD and mean core area (50% Kernel density estimate) was 772 km2 ± 1,826 SD (n = 12; 223). Wintering home range size of a migrant juvenile in Sudan and South Sudan was 14,300 km2 (95% Kernel density estimate) and the core area (50% Kernel density estimation) was 2,350 km2 (140).

Home range size of a migrant Eurasian Griffon wintering in India was 6,794 km2 (95% utilization distribution), and the core area was 1,199 km2 (50% utilization distribution), whereas its summer home range size in Kazakhstan was 53,684 km2 (95% utilization distribution), with a core area of 16,228 km2 (50% utilization distribution; 145).

The Eurasian Griffon can occupy smaller ranges when older; however, available data are scarce. A GPS-tracked male in Israel moved on average 11 km ± 17 SD between consecutive night roosts in his first year of life while in his eighth year of life only moved on average 5 km ± 10 SD (508).

Population Status


Global population size has been estimated at 648,000–688,000 mature individuals (509). This estimate is extrapolated from counts of the European population, which occupies approximately 10% of the total distribution of ​​the species. However, there are no accurate censuses of populations in the Middle East and Asia, so numbers could be much lower.

In counts from Europe, there were 30,946 pairs in Spain in 2018, including 16 pairs in Mallorca Island (Balearic Islands, Spain; 87, 368). Other Eurasian and North African populations include 1,124–1,210 pairs in Portugal (510); 2,848 pairs in France (510); 270–290 pairs in Italy (510); 1–4 breeding pairs in Austria (511); 230–233 pairs in Serbia (510); 163 pairs in Bulgaria (510); 7 pairs in North Macedonia (510); 121 pairs in Croatia (510); 15–26 pairs in mainland Greece, 14 pairs in the Aegean islands of Greece, and 250–340 pairs in Crete (192); 3–4 pairs in Cyprus (185, 510); 2 pairs in Morocco (510); 115–186 pairs in Algeria (104); 70–75 pairs in Georgia (117); 61 pairs in Azerbaijan (195); 48–54 pairs in Armenia (512); 20–25 pairs in Ukraine (180); 150–200 pairs in Türkiye (509); 400–500 pairs in northern Caucasus (Russia) (196); 48 pairs in Israel (510); 12–30 pairs in Jordan (513); 100–200 pairs in Syria (105); 2,000 pairs in Yemen (112); 3,000 pairs in Saudi Arabia (112); 400–600 birds in Uzbekistan (117); 52–65 pairs in Turkmenistan (340); 80–150 pairs in Kazakhstan (514); and 100–300 birds in southeastern Tibet (84). Estimates of the Eurasian Griffon in most countries of the Middle East and Asia are of low quality; standardized protocols are needed for large-scale monitoring. Genetic analysis of shed feathers, baited cameras, visual surveys, and mark-resight could also be used (515).


The Eurasian Griffon declined throughout the 1900s in Europe, the Middle East, and northern Africa (9, 3). The decline continued in some countries through the early 2000s. For example, in Cyprus, there were 18 pairs in 1993 and 8 pairs in 2002 (185), while on the mainland of Greece, in the 1980s its population suffered a collapse during which 13–15 colonies were abandoned and a reduction of at least 60% in its distribution was detected (516). In Azerbaijan, the number of pairs declined 14.1% between 2004 and 2016 (195). The population trend of breeding colonies of the Western Caucasus (Russia) changed during the period from 1986 to 2007 from steadily positive to negative, until no birds were nesting in some colonies (517). In France, it went extinct during early 1900s in the Mediterranean Alps, and in the 1940s in the south of Massif Central (518); it was later reintroduced successfully to both areas since 1981 (182). In Kabylie region (Algeria), there were 42 pairs in 1992 but only 11 pairs in 2018–2019 (519, 520).

In the Central Kopet Dag Mountains (Turkmenistan), from 1983–1989, there were 30 pairs, which decreased to 13–17 pairs from 2007–2008, 6–7 pairs in 2014, until finally the colonies were extirpated. Poaching of wild ungulates, including wild goat (Capra aegagrus) and urial (Ovis orientalis), and their predators, leopard (Panthera pardus) and striped hyena (Hyaena hyaena), disrupted the balance of predator, prey, and scavenger relationships over a very short period of time (321). In one colony in Tanumah, 120 km north of Abha (southwestern Saudi Arabia), there were 45 active nests in December 1999 and only 25 in January 2001 (265).

Surveys in southeastern Kazakhstan between August 2000–2002 showed that populations of the Eurasian Griffon and Himalayan Griffon (Gyps himalayensis) at Usek appeared to be about 25% of what they were 10 years before; the number of nests at Chilik were 50% of that recorded 10 years before. At Chilik, the Himalayan Griffon represented 50% of the population and the other 50% were Eurasian Griffon, while ten years before 100% were Himalayan Griffon (521). In the Karatau Mountains (Kazakhstan), a 95% decline in the Eurasian Griffon population was recorded, with 75 active nests in 2010 and four in 2022 (522).

While Eurasian Griffon populations have declined in most areas, they have experienced growth in others. In Bulgaria, for example, it survived in the Eastern Rhodopes mountains in the 1970s, and during the period from 1987–2011, it actually increased from 10 pairs in two colonies to 56 pairs in seven colonies (434). In Serbia, the population increased from 14 pairs in two colonies in 1992 to 262 pairs in four colonies in 2018 (436). In Crimea (Ukraine), the number of pairs increased from 12–14 pairs in 2003 to 20–25 in 2007 (180). In Israel, it has seen growth and decline; there were about 1,000 pairs up through the 1950s, which declined to about 80 pairs in the early 1980s, increased again to 150 pairs later in the 1980s, and subsequently declined again by about 50% in the 1990s (108). The decline continued in Israel between 1999 and 2013 (523).

There has also been a substantial increase in Eurasian Griffon populations in Spain in many regions. For example, in the Navarra Region and northern Zaragoza Province (Aragón Region) between 1979 and 1984, the number of colonies increased from 29 to 39, with a annual population increase of 8.7% (524). National censuses also showed a positive growth in Spain, where 2,283 pairs were counted in 1979 (197), 7,529–8,074 pairs in 1989 (419), 17,337 pairs in 1999 (525), 24,609 in 2008 (526), and 30,946 in 2018 (368).

Population Regulation

There are several factors that may be responsible for regulating Eurasian Griffon populations. One may be density-dependent regulation: in Navarra Region (Spain), the number of breeding pairs increased from 221 in 1969–1975 to 1,395 in 1994, but the annual population growth rate decreased in the last five years. The increase in the regional density produced a decrease in the productivity, suggesting that density‐dependent regulation of breeding success operates through interference (427). In addition to dynamics in Navarra Region, throughout Spain, the increase in the number of pairs from the 1990s to 2018 was correlated with a decline of productivity (368), suggesting that density-dependent regulation was operating.

In the breeding colony of Hoces del río Riaza Natural Park (Segovia Province, Spain), the population expanded and the number of mixed-age pairs and sub-adult pairs increased between 1978–2001. During this period, 83% of temporal variance in breeding population size was explained by adult survival variation, followed by fecundity (10.6%; 527).

Recommended Citation

Salvador, A. (2024). Eurasian Griffon (Gyps fulvus), version 6.0. In Birds of the World (S. M. Billerman and M. A. Bridwell, Editors). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA.
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