Birds of the World

American Golden-Plover Pluvialis dominica Scientific name definitions

Oscar W. Johnson, Peter G. Connors, and Peter Pyle
Version: 2.0 — Published June 21, 2024

Demography and Populations

Measures of Breeding Activity

Age at First Breeding

Except for overwintering birds (see Distribution, Migration and Habitat: Timing and Routes), almost all first-year American Golden-Plover and many first-year Pacific Golden-Plover (Pluvialis fulva) return to nesting grounds. Of these, the Pacific Golden-Plover is distinguished by worn juvenile primaries (see Appearance: Plumages and Appearance: Molts.) Both sexes are known to breed, males possibly with greater frequency (266). Similar age criterion is not present in the American Golden-Plover, as this species molts primaries during its first overwintering period (14), and, therefore, it is more difficult to confirm probable breeding by first-year individuals.

Intervals Between Breeding

Most birds attempt to nest each year, but local and regional variables, such as late snow melt, may prevent breeding or dramatically reduce nesting densities in some seasons (174, 121, 266, 250, 124, 267, 173).

Clutch Size and Number of Clutches per Season

The American Golden-Plover typically lays four eggs per clutch (46, 119, 138, O. W. Johnson). However, clutches are often observed to contain less than four eggs on average [e.g., 3.7 eggs (n = 21 clutches, Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology collection); 3.8 eggs (n = 26 clutches, 138)], presumably owing to partial depredation, or replacement clutches of less than four eggs. An unusual clutch of eight eggs (gradually “depredated one by one”) was reported at Churchill, Manitoba (123), and likely involved egg-dumping. Replacement laying after nest loss together with between-clutch mate fidelity has been documented in both the American Golden-Plover and the Pacific Golden-Plover (118, 253).

Annual and Lifetime Reproductive Success

There is no information on lifetime success. There is considerable variation in annual success because of seasonally variable losses of eggs and chicks and/or failure to breed. For example, six out of twenty-one (28.6%) nests were lost near Churchill (123). There was a 47% overall hatching success from 1989–1992 near Prudhoe Bay, Alaska (138). At least five out of ten (50%) nests were destroyed in 1993 on Seward Peninsula, Alaska, some birds still incubating when observations ended (O. W. Johnson).

Life Span and Survivorship

Life span and survivorship is best known for the Pacific Golden-Plover (Pluvialis fulva) rather than the American Golden-Plover (see 137). On the Taimyr Peninsula, Far North Russia, marked Pacific Golden-Plover males nested at the study site for at least eight seasons (268). Long-term nesting records for the American Golden-Plover and the Pacific Golden-Plover on the Seward Peninsula, Alaska suggest similar longevity. Several males of both species returned for eight consecutive seasons (O. W. Johnson and P. Bruner, unpublished data). Two exceptional American Golden-Plovers have been documented: a female at least 12 years of age (Churchill, Manitoba, 269), and a male at least 13 years of age (Seward Peninsula, Alaska), the latter being the longevity record for the species (118). An annual adult survival rate of 0.72 was estimated from survival modeling at nine breeding sites across the North American arctic and subarctic (270).

Disease and Body Parasites

The American Golden-Plover is known to harbor chewing lice (Actornitophilus timidus, Quadraceps orarius, Philopterus conicus) (271, 272), and a nasal mite (Rhinonyssus pluvialis) (273). No blood parasites were detected in a sample of five individuals collected in North America (274). Parasites have been extensively studied in the Pacific Golden-Plover (Pluvialis fulva) (see 137).

Causes of Mortality

Effects of extreme weather and collisions with man-made structures (see 275 for a general review) are mostly undocumented. This species is exposed to a wide array of agrochemicals (see Conservation and Management: Effects of Human Activity), but there is no information on pesticide-related mortality. Nothing is known about mortality resulting from intraspecific or interspecific competition.


Hailstones sometimes kill and injure plovers on the pampas (276).


There is little detailed knowledge on American Golden-Plover depredation during the breeding season. The Rough-legged Hawk (Buteo lagopus), the Gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus), and especially the Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus), all take plovers (277, 278, 279, 280). The Parasitic Jaeger (Stercorarius parasiticus) and the Long-tailed Jaeger (Stercorarius longicaudus) prey mostly on chicks and young birds (281). The Snowy Owl (Bubo scandiacus) is a potential predator, but only one adult plover was found among remains of 15,078 prey (almost entirely lemmings) from owl nests near Utqiagvik, Alaska (D. Holt, personal communication). Other avian predators of possible significance include the Pomarine Jaeger (Stercorarius pomarinus), the Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus), and the Common Raven (Corvus corax). Nest predation may have increased in recent years (282)

Lemming cycles are apparently of major significance to the nesting success of golden-plovers. In peak years, arctic foxes and various raptors consume lemmings almost exclusively. As lemmings decline, predators switch to a diet of eggs and chicks. Numerous observers have reported these alternating scenarios on the Siberian breeding grounds of the Pacific Golden-Plover, with near reproductive failure in some seasons (e.g., 283, 284, 31, 285, 286). There were similar findings in arctic Alaska (250) and Southampton Island, Nunavut (287). Remote camera studies in the Prudhoe Bay region suggest that arctic foxes (among various potential predators, mostly avian) are responsible for shorebird nest depredation more often than previously recognized (288).

Caribou and reindeer are known to trample nests and eat eggs or the young of tundra-nesting birds (289, 290, 291, 268). This occurred with several nests under observation on Seward Peninsula in the summer of 1993 (O. W. Johnson). Chance passage of a large herd of these animals through the local area is likely to destroy most plover nests. There is no specific information concerning depredation during the overwintering period.

Population Spatial Metrics

Home Range

When not incubating, breeding birds (especially females) move to feeding grounds, often at a considerable distance from the nest (31). Some individuals on Seward Peninsula move at least three kilometers, with more extended flights likely (O. W. Johnson). On their overwintering range in Argentina, plovers travel about four to six kilometers to reach nighttime roosts (235).

Breeding Territoriality

The American Golden-Plover is highly territorial on breeding grounds. Territory sizes are estimated at roughly 25 ha on the North Slope of Alaska, and 10–50 ha on the Seward Peninsula (P. G. Connors). Most pair activity is focused on the territory, but considerable foraging occurs elsewhere as the non-incubating bird (especially female) is often absent from its territory (171, O. W. Johnson, P. G. Connors; see Breeding: Incubation). Extraterritorial feeding is probably of a communal nature on specific sites (O. W. Johnson). Interyear fidelity to breeding territory is high in males and low in females (see Movements and Migration: Dispersal and Site Fidelity).

Overwintering Territoriality and Non-territoriality

Many individuals defend feeding territories on wintering grounds, some are non-territorial. Territory sizes are much smaller on overwintering grounds than on breeding grounds, ≤0.3 ha in Argentina (147).

Population Status


Population size remains uncertain and increased population monitoring is needed (see Clay et al. [106]). Program for Regional and International Shorebird Monitoring (PRISM) surveys on the breeding grounds (292) indicated that a previous population estimate of 200,000 individuals (293) was too low. Based on the PRISM surveys, Andres et al. (294) estimated a total population of 500,000 (possibly conservative because alpine nesting grounds were not surveyed), with about 50% in Alaska and 50% in Canada. Estimates of 1.0–2.5 million pairs (31) are likely too optimistic. These high numbers were extrapolations based on overall breeding range and average nesting density. However, breeding distribution is often patchy and what appears to be suitable habitat may contain no birds (O. W. Johnson).

Estimated breeding densities vary significantly between regions and from year to year; e.g., 0.4–6.1 pairs/km2 in Alaska, Canadian arctic, and subarctic (31); 3.0 pairs/km2 on Seward Peninsula in 1993 (O. W. Johnson); 4.0 pairs/km2 on Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska (262); 6.0–15 pairs/km2 at Utqiagvik, Alaska (see 295, 296); 1.0–2.9 pairs/km2 near Prudhoe Bay, Alaska (138); 0.3–6.4 pairs/km2 on 13 sites across the arctic breeding range (see 173); and 0.2–40 birds/km2 in Nunavut (81). Estimated densities on overwintering grounds were 10.0+ birds/ha on grazed pampas of Argentina (147).


Reports through the 1990s to the early 2000s were often conflicting, some indicated increasing numbers (124, 297, 265, 298), others showed declining numbers (129, 293, 299, 297, 300), still others suggested stability or uncertain trend (294, 301). Recent findings by Smith et al. (302) reveal a major population decline on the order of 70% over the past 40 years and a continuing downward trend of 5% per year. These alarming numbers "signal the need for urgent conservation action."

If populations are declining for various reasons (see Conservation and Management), objective assessments will require intensive systematic monitoring at stopover areas and on breeding and nonbreeding grounds.

Population Regulation

There is little specific information about how populations are affected by vagaries of weather and food supply while on migratory routes and breeding/overwintering grounds. There is also little known about the depredation of eggs and chicks, mortality of juveniles from rigors of first migration and/or competition on overwintering grounds, and depredation on the overwintering grounds. Beyond these factors looms the specter of climate change and other anthropogenic impacts ( see Conservation and Management).

Recommended Citation

Johnson, O. W., P. G. Connors, and P. Pyle (2024). American Golden-Plover (Pluvialis dominica), version 2.0. In Birds of the World (B. K. Keeney, P. G. Rodewald, and S. M. Billerman, Editors). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA.
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