Birds of the World

Great Tit Parus major Scientific name definitions

Guy M. Kirwan, Nicholas D. Sly, Andrew Gosler, Peter Clement, David Christie, Nárgila Moura, and Peter Pyle
Version: 2.0 — Published July 5, 2024

Demography and Populations

Measures of Breeding Activity

Age at First Breeding

Breeding begins in the first year (19).

Intervals Between Breeding

Breeds annually.

Clutch Size and Number of Clutches per Season

Clutch size is quite variable. Cramp and Perrins (19) listed the following factors that influence clutch size: date of laying (second clutches smaller than first), habitat (larger in richer habitats), population density (denser population lead to smaller clutches); age of female (younger females have smaller clutches), size of cavity (smaller clutches in smaller cavities), latitude (bigger clutches in northern areas) and individual variation. Examples of mean clutch sizes: in England, across years mean clutch size varied 7.8–12.3 (n = 7–86 pairs/yr) (167); in Belgium, the mode clutch across sites was 9 (n = 1,277 nests) (168); in Algeria, mean clutch 7.43 ± 0.29 SE over a three year period (2007–2009) (n = 30 broods; maximum clutch: 11 eggs; 169). See Cramp and Perrins (19) for a summary across further studies.

Annual and Lifetime Reproductive Success

23.3% of nests in southern England were depredated by Least Weasel (Mustela nivalis): 5.9% during laying, 9.8% during incubation, and 7.6% during the nestling stage (n = 4131 monitored nests, 1947–1975; 134). There is significant interannual variability in nest failure predation rate, ranging from 6.6–52.9% annually (1957–1972; 134). Nest predation by weasels is proportionately more severe in years of higher Great Tit density or lower rodent density (134). There is also variation across a season, with later nests having a higher predation rate (134).

Reproductive success is higher in mature woodland (170). In natural forest nests in Poland, 71.4% of nest failures during egg laying and incubation were caused by predation (n = 49 nest failures), and 66.7% of failures during the hatching and nestling period were due to predation (n = 60 nest failures)(137). Fledging success was 81.72% over a three year period (2007–2009) in Algeria (n = 30 broods; 169).

Broods laid later in the season result in fewer total fledglings (171). Double-brooded females produce more total fledglings annually than single-brooded females (171). Females that double brood produce more offspring that recruit into focal populations than single-brooded females (1.32 recruits/year ± 0.05 SE versus 0.75 ± 0.02 SE) (172). In five study populations in the Netherlands (spanning 1955–2004), a total of 12,506 first broods resulted in 8,670 recruits into the population [= 0.69 recruits/brood], and 2,713 second broods resulted in 840 recruits [= 0.31 recruits/brood] (172).

Number of Broods Normally Reared per Season

In Hungary, 36% of forest habitat females (n = 227) and 44% of urban habitat females (n = 234) were double-brooded (171). Females have a higher probability of double brooding after their first year (171).

In five study populations in the Netherlands (spanning 1955–2004), a total of 12,506 first broods were followed by 2,713 double broods [= 21.7% of females double brooding] (172). However, the probability of double-brooding in the Netherlands has declined over several decades (particularly 1973–2004). This is likely a result of phenological mismatches as caterpillar abundance shifts earlier in the season due to warming springs, and consequently fitness declines and reduced recruitment from second broods (172).

Proportion of Total Females that Rear >= One Brood to Nest-Leaving

Information needed.

Life Span and Survivorship

The oldest recorded wild individual was 16 years and 7 months, located in the Netherlands (173).

There is high interannual variation in survival of both juveniles and adults (174, 175, 140). Annual adult mortality ranges from ~40–60% across populations and studies, occasionally higher, and higher in the first year (reviewed in 19).

Juvenile mortality in Switzerland is highest immediately upon fledging, with 32% of young birds dying in the first four days after fledging, and 47% dying in the first 20 days (n = 342 nestlings), and predation causing most of this early mortality (140). After those initial high period with daily mortality > 10%, mortality reaches a level of ~2% per day (140). Mortality varies across each breeding season, and is highest for broods that fledge later in the season (140). In Sweden, mortality of fledglings is high and constant across the summer (13% per week; n = 506 nestlings) (176). Fledgling mass is a strong predictor of mortality, as is mass of juveniles across their first winter, with heavier individuals more likely to survive (176, 177, 140,178). Juvenile survival in the first winter is low (mean 0.152 in Spain; 178).

In Europe, survival is correlated with the crop of beech (Fagus sylvatica) seeds (174, 179); this is likely due to food limitation during winter directly affecting survival, as food supplementation experiments show increased survival of juveniles and adults in winter during years of low beech crops (179). Mean survival rates in Oxfordshire, England were 0.427 for resident males and 0.399 for resident females; survival estimates were higher for older birds than yearlings (174). Summer survival (between the breeding season and September) for adults in the Netherlands varied across years, ranging from 66.7–87.8% for males and 52.6–65.8% for females (180). Male survival (but not female) is negatively related to the density of Eurasian Blue Tit (Cyanistes caeruleus), possibly as a cost of territory defense (174). In Estonia, urban survival is higher than rural survival, and higher in females than males: mean survival 0.47 for urban females, 0.38 for rural females, 0.34 for urban males, and 0.26 for rural males (175).

Disease and Body Parasites


Avipoxvirus infections, which produce nodular skin lesions, mainly on the head, have been recorded in the Great Tit in central Europe since 2005 (181).

Infection by the bacterium Suttonella ornithocola was likely responsible for an epidemic in Germany in 2020, although other pathogens including Chlamydia psittaci may have had a role (182).

Body Parasites

The tick Ixodes ricinus is common on adults, but with an skewed distribution in which a few individuals harbor many ticks and most harbor few or none; the mean tick load in Belgium is 1.03 ± 0.04 ticks/bird (range: 0–25; n = 3,940 birds)(183). Less than 1% of adults host Ixodes arboricola (183).

Feather mite genera include Uniscutalges, Proctophyllodes, Strelkoviacarus, Pteronyssoides, Monojoubertia, Analges, Microlichus, with the most common mite on wing feathers being Proctophyllodes stylifer (184 and references therein). Birds in central Spain had a wing feather mite prevalence of 65.1% (n = 43), and a mean mite load of 15.0 ± 35.7 (range 1–170), with mites most common on secondaries relative to primaries or tertials (184). Individuals with larger uropygial glands had more feather mites, which feed on uropygial gland oil spread on feathers (184). Feather mite load is negatively correlated with hatching success and breeding success (184).

Blood parasites in Sweden include Haemoproteus, Leucocytozoon, Hepatozoon, Plasmodium, and Trypanosoma (185). Trypanosoma infection in females is associated with smaller eggs, lower hatching success, and reduced body condition of nestlings (185). The blood parasite Leucocytozoon hamiltoni (Haemosporida, Leucocytozoidae) was described from subspecies P. m. bokharensis in Turkmenistan (186).

The nematode Serratospiculum amaculata, which infects the respiratory system, has been found in the Great Tit in Slovakia (187).

Blow fly larvae (Protocalliphora sp.) parasitize broods: across years (2007–2009; n = 30 broods), there were 8.02 ± 1.09 SE, 0.41 ± 0.41, and 0.47 ± 0.29 blow fly larvae per nest in Algeria; the degree of infestation did not affect fledging success (169).

Baardsen et al. (188) identified 22 orders of arthropods inhabiting Great Tit nests in Belgium (n = 186 nests, 186,728 arthropods). 81% of all arthropods found could be classified as parasites, with fleas (Spihonaptera: Ceratophyllidae: Ceratophyllus gallinae, Ceratophyllus garei, and Dasypsyllus gallinulae) occurring in 91.4% of nests, hematophagous mites (Mesostigmata: Dermanyssidae: Dermanyssus carpathicus, Dermanyssus longipes, Dermanyssus sp.) in 74.2% of nests, parasitic flies (Diptera: Calliphoridae: Protocalliphora azurea; Diptera: Carnidae sp.) in 31.2% of nests, and ticks (Ixodida: Ixodidae: Ixodes arboricola, Ixodes frontalis, Ixodes ricinus) in 13.4% of nests (188). Nest arthropod communities were generally similar between rural and urban habitats (188).

Causes of Mortality

Information needed.

Population Spatial Metrics

Individual Distance

Frequent agonistic interactions among individuals in a flock (see Agonistic Behavior) serve to keep free a malleable amount of space around each individual; approaches within two feet or closer induce increasingly aggressive threat postures (84).

Territory Size

Breeding territories vary in size by habitat and population, but are most often 0.5–1.5 ha, and sometimes up to 3 ha in size (reviewed in 19).

Home Range Size

Winter flocks have home ranges of approximately 4–8 ha, sometimes overlapping neighboring flocks (84, 19).

Population Status


There is no global estimate of population size. The European population has been estimated at 69.6 million (European Breeding Bird Atlas 2) or 79.3 million (European Red List of Birds) breeding pairs (189).

Densities in southern England (pairs/km2) 20–320 in mixed deciduous woods, 80–330 in oak woodland, 6–53 in pine plantation; in northeast Poland (Bialowieza forest), 24 pairs/km² in alder (Alnus) swamp-forest, 26 in mixed ash-alder (Fraxinus-Alnus) forest, 19–24 in mixed oak-hornbeam (Quercus-Carpinus) forest and 1–2 in mixed coniferous forest.

In the Karakum Desert, Turkmenistan, the subspecies bokharensis occurs in densities (birds/km2) of 8.5 in sand desert, 44.0 in black saksaul (Haloxylon ammodendrum) shrubland, and 1.5 in oases (79).


The global population trend is believed to be increasing (190). The European population shows a moderate increase of 0.47% per year from 1980–2022 (PanEuropean Common Bird Monitoring Scheme). Local populations show variations in the population trend. Populations in the UK have increased a total of 25% from 1995–2022 [= ca. 1.08% increase per year] (191). Populations show annual declines in Denmark (192): -0.86% (breeding season, 1976–2021), -1.94% (breeding season, 2012–2021), -0.75% (winter season, 1975–2021), -2.17% (winter season, 2011–2021). Populations are increasing 2.2% per year in total across Sweden (1975–2023), but declining -0.70% per year in southern Sweden ( Populations in southern Finland show a modest increase from 1959–2012 (193), and are increasing 2.10% per year across Finland (194). Population trends are stable in Estonia from 1987–2012 (195, 196). Populations in northern Italy are increasing from 1992–2007 (197). Populations in European Russia show a moderate decline from 1988–2019 (198).

Population Regulation

Information needed.

Recommended Citation

Kirwan, G. M., N. D. Sly, A. Gosler, P. Clement, D. A. Christie, N. Moura, and P. Pyle (2024). Great Tit (Parus major), version 2.0. In Birds of the World (G. M. Kirwan and N. D. Sly, Editors). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA.
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