Birds of the World

Eurasian Griffon Gyps fulvus Scientific name definitions

Alfredo Salvador
Version: 6.0 — Published July 26, 2024

Conservation and Management

Least Concern (528). Previously considered Least Concern (2004–2016), and Lower Risk/least concern (1988–2000). See Population Status for more details on population estimates and trends.

The Eurasian Griffon is protected in the 27 countries of the European Union by the Birds Directive of 2009. This directive required that member states classify Special Protection Areas for species, including the Eurasian Griffon, that are listed on Annex I (529). Other legal instruments that protect the Eurasian Griffon include the Bern Convention, Bonn Convention, and CITES Convention. However, threats to the species remain across its range, mainly due to habitat change, poisoning, collision with wind turbines and power lines, electrocution, and illegal killing.

A prioritization model analysis suggested that areas important for Old World vulture conservation were concentrated in southern and eastern Africa, South Asia, and the Iberian Peninsula, and over 80% of these areas were unprotected (530). However, in the case of the Eurasian Griffon, parts of the Middle East, and northern and western Africa were not included in the analysis. Local conservation priorities should not only use large-scaled generalized models but also available local data (531). In some Asian countries such as Kazakhstan, the Eurasian Griffon is not legally protected (522).

Effects of Human Activity

Habitat Loss and Degradation

The Eurasian Griffon depends on the existence of wide open areas in which to forage for ungulate carrion. Nowadays, the areas where it can feed on wild ungulates are very scarce or non-existent throughout its range, and it mainly depends on domestic ungulates (but see 532). Factors that have reduced available habitat include the intensification of agriculture and the increase in forest plantations. The abandonment of the countryside by rural populations has also reduced extensive livestock farming, which had allowed the Eurasian Griffon to survive (513). Farmland abandonment and subsequent vegetation encroachment, as observed in the Spanish Pyrenees during the mid-1900s, has reduced the extent of open spaces and, consequently, foraging areas for the Eurasian Griffon (294). The transformation of rain-fed areas into irrigated areas undertaken between 2005 and 2020 in Mediterranean areas of Navarra Region (Spain) led to a decrease in the presence of the Eurasian Griffon (533).

In the late 1990s, the emergence of bovine spongiform encephalopathy raised additional concerns for Eurasian Griffon conservation. To control this disease, the European Union enacted strict regulations regarding deaths of livestock, including the prohibition of leaving dead animals (including all bovine, ovine, and caprine species) or any parts of a carcass in the field or at supplemental feeding sites. In some areas, this led to an 80% decrease in carcasses that the Eurasian Griffon could exploit (534). A preliminary study did not find significant differences in breeding success before and after the disease in colonies of three Spanish regions (Navarra, La Rioja, and Castilla y León; 535). However, a long-term study in the breeding colony of Hoces del río Riaza Natural Park (Segovia, Spain) showed that during a bovine spongiform encephalopathy outbreak (2001–2003), subadults ceased to participate in reproduction and the mean laying date was delayed by one month; during the period of prohibition of abandonment of livestock carcasses in the wild (2004–2011), the number of fledglings decreased (527).

Coinciding with the increase in Eurasian Griffon populations and the decrease in available carrion as a result of bovine spongiform encephalopathy restrictions, there has also been an increase in cases of alleged attacks and deaths of livestock by Eurasian Griffon, mostly (60%) during spring and partially (36%) associated with birthing (536, 534). In Cataluña Region (Spain), most farmer complaints of conflict between the Eurasian Griffon and livestock occurred during the birthing season and was positively associated with extensive livestock density (537). In the Grands Causses (France), 15 cases of Eurasian Griffon attacks on living animals were documented over eight years, though the Eurasian Griffon was never the primary cause of death in any of these cases (538). An analysis of 104 cases of damage to livestock attributed to Eurasian Griffon during 2007 in the Parc National des Pyrénées (France) indicated that in 10 cases, the Eurasian Griffon was found to be the primary cause of death of an otherwise healthy animal, of which six were adult sheep, two lambs several months of age, and two calves 1–2 d of age; in another 29 cases, the intervention of Eurasian Griffon aggravated the animal's state of weakness (539). Between 1996 and 2010, there were 1,793 reported cases of Eurasian Griffon attacks on livestock in northeastern Spain, but on average, 69% of the complaints presented each year were not substantiated, as it was unclear whether the animal was actually alive before the Eurasian Griffon found it (534). A study carried out in central Spain during 2020–2021 supported livestock predation by Eurasian Griffon. Of a total of 41 suspected cases of predation, it was verified through histological analysis in 25 cases that 16% had ante-mortem lesions due to vulture attacks (540). It has been hypothesized that these attacks represent a recent change in Eurasian Griffon feeding behavior, but the analysis of 156 complaint reports recorded between 2007–2014 in Grands Causses (France) suggested a perception bias of farmers due to lack of knowledge about the birds (538). The presumed attacks by Eurasian Griffon on livestock need both ecological and socio-economic approaches (541).

Climate change may also affect the distribution of the Eurasian Griffon. A simulation model that estimated the extent of the distribution between 2070–2099 in Europe with good fit found the potential future distribution contracted in the south, especially in the Iberian Peninsula and the Balkans (542). Bioclimatic models were also developed using meteorological temperature and precipitation data obtained from Spain during the period 1961–1990. Under climate scenarios available for the 2000s, the models projected contractions in the current potential distribution in the Iberian Peninsula of 76–80% between 2041–2070 (543).

Effects of Invasive Species

The introduction by hunters of wild boar (Sus scrofa) in Cres Island (Croatia) had an indirect negative impact on the Eurasian Griffon. Illegal poisoning was used to control damages on lamb and sheep caused by wild boar, and as a result, birds were also poisoned (544). In Jodhpur, India, migrant Eurasian Griffon have been killed by feral dogs at feeding sites (212).

Hunting and Trapping

In 1953, the Provincial Boards for the Extinction of Harmful Animals and Protection of Hunting was created in Spain, and continued until 1970. Between 1953 and 1961, a total of 968 Eurasian Griffon were officially killed and rewards were given in six provinces of Spain (545). Illegal shooting has also continued in Spain, though the number of birds shot is low. In Castilla y León Region (Spain), 11 Eurasian Griffon with gunshot wounds were received at rehabilitation centers between 1989–2016 (546).

In Eastern Rhodopes (Bulgaria), 15.79% of Eurasian Griffon found dead from 1979–2011 were shot (n = 38; 434). Shooting was the cause of 5.9% of mortality events in Cyprus (n = 51; 185). Between 2001–2012, 10 Eurasian Griffon were shot in Israel (547). In Karachay-Cherkessia (Caucasus, Russia), a single bird was shot between 1997–2000 (548). In Armenia, Eurasian Griffon that were shot have recently been recovered at markets being sold as trophies, and an illegal pet trade of Eurasian Griffon for use in outdoor exhibitions has also been reported (512). Trapped birds were also found at the resort parks of the Kav-Minvodsk (Kislovodsk, Essentuki, and Pyatigorsk), in Stavropol Region, Russia, where they were kept by photographers and used for commercial purposes (549).

In multiple Middle Eastern countries, migrant birds of prey are captured and offered for sale in local markets. During a survey in the Kuwait bird market on weekends between 1 January and 30 May 2010, 1,301 individual birds of prey of 17 species were counted, including three Eurasian Griffon (550). During another survey carried out between September and December 2011 at animal markets in the Tabuk region (Saudi Arabia), 7,480 vertebrates were available for sale, including one Eurasian Griffon (551). From February to July 2022, 35 birds of prey of 11 species, including Eurasian Griffon, were available for sale at the bird-markets of Suq Al-Jeneaze, Suq-Haraj, and Suq Al-Manacha (Al-Qadissiya Province, Iraq; 552).

In addition to illegal shooting and trapping, an arrest in Bulgaria was made for illegally collecting eggs of both Eurasian Griffon and Egyptian Vulture (553).

Pesticides and Other Contaminants/Toxics

In Eurasian Griffon found dead between 2008–2019 in southeastern France (n = 90), 32% were positive for anticoagulant rodenticides (554). In a larger sample from France (n = 136), prevalence of second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides in the liver was 46%; mean hepatic concentration was 22.0 ng/g ww, and 5% of positive birds had concentrations > 100 ng/g ww, which is considered a potentially lethal risk (555). Second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides were detected in blood of 16.92% of Eurasian Griffon examined (n = 65) from Cataluña and Aragón Regions (Spain; 556).

Illegal Poison

Illegal poisoned baits are used primarily for carnivore control in hunting estates; the Eurasian Griffon is not the target species of these illegal poison baits, but it is the most affected in Spain. In 1986, four were found poisoned by strychnine in the Sierra de Hornachuelos Natural Park (Córdoba Province, Andalucía Region, Spain; 367). During the period from 1992–2013, 1,576 Eurasian Griffon were documented as poisoned in Spain among a total of 6,307 raptors poisoned by illegal baits (557). In Teruel Province (Aragón Region, Spain), five Eurasian Griffon were recorded to be killed by poison during the period from 2000–2002 (506). The main cause of mortality in Cyprus was poisoning (80.39%, n = 51; 185). Illegal poison was also the main cause of mortality in the Pyrennees (France; 558). Poisoning by carbofuran of 17 Eurasian Griffon was recorded in Rab Island (Croatia) in 2004 (559, 560); in addition, another individual was shown to have methomyl in its system when it died, which is a systemic insecticide (561). In Crete (Greece), 36 were killed by illegal use of poisoned baits with insecticides and herbicides (methomyl, carbofuran, paraquat, and parathion) during the period from 1990–1999; these birds represented three entire colonies (562). In Eastern Rhodopes (Bulgaria), 42.1% of Eurasian Griffon found dead between 1979–2011 were poisoned (n = 38; 434). In southern Balkan Peninsula, birds were affected by strychnine, carbamate, and organophosphorus compounds that were illegally used for poisoning, mostly to kill gray wolf (Canis lupus), between 1982 and 2017 (563). In the Cantabrian Mountains (Spain), a total of 112 poisoning events were recorded between 2000–2010, and most of the reported deaths were Eurasian Griffon (564). In Israel, 13 were poisoned by pesticides in 1972 and 19 in 1980 in the Golan (108), and another study counted 64 poisoned Eurasian Griffon between 2001–2012 (547). In Köprülü Kanyon National Park (Türkiye), five were killed by poison in 2010 (565). In addition to being poisoned by intentionally placed baits, persistent organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) from other, indirect sources, have been detected in blood plasma of Eurasian Griffon from Ahmedabad, India (n = 6; 566).

In a sample of GPS-tagged Eurasian Griffon (n = 20) monitored from December 2016 to October 2020 in central and southern Apennines (Italy), 40% died by poisoning (567). In Central Italy, the most important cause of death in Eurasian Griffon between 1994–2020 was poisoning (53.4%, n = 103), mainly caused by carbamates, but organochlorines, organophosphates, strychnine, and zinc phosphide were also reported. Up to six toxic substances were detected in a single bird (568). In Nepal, two Eurasian Griffon were killed by illegal use of poisoned baits to kill carnivores during the period from 2011–2023 (569).

Lead Poisoning

Lead contamination is a significant threat for vultures (570, 571). A common cause of clinical lead poisoning in wild birds is the ingestion of lead ammunition used for hunting. In a sample of Eurasian Griffon (n = 6) from Murcia Region (Spain), mean lead blood level was 37.9 μg/dl (572). In birds from Aragón Region (Spain) that were sampled throughout the year between 2008 and 2012 (n = 691), 310 individuals (44.9%) had blood concentrations of more than 20 μg/dl, the threshold for abnormal exposure; 29 birds (4.2%) were in the clinical exposure range (50–100 μg/dl), and 10 (1.4%) had potentially lethal levels above 100 μg/dl. In this study, lead poisoning from ammunition did contribute to the high levels that were detected in birds, but high concentrations of naturally occurring lead in the soil also contributed to the high levels seen in this population (573). Lead exposure from topsoil can be more important than previously considered. A study carried out in northern (Bardenas Reales Natural Park) and southern (Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y las Villas Natural Park) populations of Spain showed that in both populations, lead signatures in blood samples was closer to those in topsoil than in ammunition. However, the importance of ammunition was greater in the southern population, located in an area with greater big game hunting activity (574).

Lead poisoning was the second main cause of mortality (2.5%, n = 119) in the Pyrennees (France; 558). In a sample of Eurasian Griffon found dead or sick in Spain between 2004–2020, 10.5% (n = 257) had lead levels in the liver of greater than 30 μg/g dry weight of lead, which is associated with severe clinical poisoning (575). In birds captured in Spain between 2016–2017, lead levels in blood had a mean value of 38.4 μg/dl ± 3.64 SE (n = 118). Subclinical poisoning values (>20 μg/dl) were detected in 73.7% of individuals, clinical poisoning (>50 μg/dl) in 17.8% of individuals, and severe clinical poisoning (>100 μg/dl) in 4.2% of individuals (575).

Birds from Cazorla Natural Park (Spain) suffered subclinical exposure to lead (n = 23), with some individuals exposed to high toxicity risk (576). On the Iberian Peninsula, three individuals received at wildlife rehabilitation centers died within 24 h; metal analyses revealed extremely high lead concentrations, and one had 9 lead pellets in its stomach (577). In a sample from Central Spain (n = 56), one individual had clinical lead exposure; there was no correlation detected between clinical signs, hematological values, body condition, and blood lead levels (578). In Israel, on individual received at a wildlife hospital had blood lead levels of 804.8 μg/dl, regurgitated a 9 mm lead bullet, and died in a week (579); between 2001–2012, 5 birds had been found to be poisoned with lead (547).

In Bulgaria, an Eurasian Griffon tracked during two years was found dead. Postmortem examination showed two lead pellets from a gunshot in one wing. Lead in bone and liver samples showed subclinical/chronic lead values, suggesting long-term exposure to lead, possibly from the pellets found in its wing (580).

Pharmaceutical Products

Use of veterinary pharmaceuticals in domestic ungulates can affect the health of vulture populations. A high proportion of nestlings contaminated by residues of fluroquinolones, antibiotics used for the treatment of livestock, has been detected in Eurasian Griffon colonies that are geographically distant from each other and at different times of the year, but its effects are poorly known (581, 582). Quinolone residues were detected in plasma of 65% of the birds examined from Navarra and Cataluña Regions (n = 106), but maximum concentrations were only 0.4 μg/mL, lower than those used in the clinical treatment of scavengers (583). In Aragón Region (Spain), medicated livestock carcasses and landfill sites were important sources of highly toxic veterinary pharmaceuticals for the Eurasian Griffon (584).

The Eurasian Griffon is more exposed to antibiotics when feeding on livestock carcasses from intensive farming. In birds from Spain sampled between 2008 and 2012, quinolones were detected in plasma from 12.9% of individuals (n = 657), and quinolone prevalence was influenced by pig carcasses supplied at supplementary feeding stations (585).

In 2013, Spain authorized the use of two veterinary drugs, Dolofenac and Diclovet, which contain diclofenac, an anti-inflammatory drug for the treatment of livestock; diclofenac has been demonstrated to have caused rapid declines in other Gyps vultures in Asia (586). It has been estimated that its use could cause the death of 715–6,389 Eurasian Griffon each year in Spain (587). In 2014, it was estimated that overlap between diclofenac exposure and the range and population size of the Eurasian Griffon in Spain was 58% and 57%, respectively (588). However, no Eurasian Griffon were found dead or injured in Spain by diclofenac ingestion during 2013–2019 (589).

A dead Eurasian Griffon containing high levels of flunixin, another anti-inflammatory drug, was found in Andalucía Region (Spain) in 2012 (590). In a sample of Eurasian Griffon found dead in Spain, flunixin was associated with visceral gout and/or kidney damage in 0.98% (n = 306; 591).

In India, 791 vultures of three species (Eurasian Griffon, Cinereous Vulture, and Egyptian Vulture) were found dead at Jorbeer dumping site (Rajasthan, India) from 2017–2022. The causative agent of the deaths has not been identified, but it could be Ketoprofen and/ or Phenylbutazone, drugs used to treat livestock (592).

Collisions with Stationary/Moving Structures or Objects

Collisions with wind turbines are a major cause of mortality in the Eurasian Griffon. The rapid development of wind energy suggests that mortality rates may increase; in Crete (Greece), for example, it has been estimated that the minimum number of fatalities from collisions with wind turbines would be 84 individuals per year, based on current and planned wind energy projects (593). There is extensive overlap between wind farms and breeding areas in the northern half of Spain (594), and the Eurasian Griffon is the bird of prey that suffers the highest mortality from collisions with wind turbines in the country; Atienza et al. (595) recorded 1,079 Eurasian Griffon killed by collisions in wind turbines here. In the region of Castilla y León (Spain), during the period 2001-2016, two wildlife rescue centers recorded 1,901 Eurasian Griffon death due to collision with wind turbines (596). Another area where it suffers especially high mortality rates is Tarifa (Cádiz Province, Spain), where migrants congregate to cross the Strait of Gibraltar (597). In the Campo de Gibraltar area (1,529 km²) in Cádiz Province, where Tarifa is located, there were 488 wind turbines in 2002 (598). Mortality rates in Tarifa have been recorded as ranging from 0.15 to 0.34 Eurasian Griffon/turbine/year (599, 600). Sixty-three percent of soaring birds killed at two wind farms in Tarifa (n = 256 wind turbines) between December 1993 and December 1994 were Eurasian Griffon, and the rate of birds killed was 0.12 Eurasian Griffon/turbine/year (598), and between 2006–2009, 221 Eurasian Griffon were found dead here (601). Collisions with wind turbines occur mainly in autumn and winter, and when thermals are absent and birds ascend the slopes (599); more collisions also occur when upward currents are worse, such as on gentle slopes, and when the turbines are taller and at higher elevations (602).

Mortality by electrocution or collision with power lines is another cause of concern. In Spain, 1,008 Eurasian Griffon (7.89% of the total number of birds recorded) were detected dead by electrocution between 1990–2019 (603). In Doñana National Park (Huelva Province, Spain), along 100 km of monitored lines, 14 were recorded as killed by electrocution among a total of 233 birds (9 previously dead birds and 5 that died during the period July 1982–July 1983; 604). During the period from 1988–1996, a Eurasian Griffon killed by electrocution was found in the foothills of the eastern Sierra Morena and Campo de Montiel (Castilla-La Mancha Region, Spain) among a total of 274 raptors (605). In Teruel Province (Aragón Region, Spain), 40 Eurasian Griffon were killed by electrocution between 2000–2002 (506). Between 1997–2003, one was killed by electrocution and was found among a total of 108 raptors along three power lines in Andalucía Region (Buenavista, Villanueva de los Castillejos and Las Infantas; 606). In the periphery of Special Protection Areas in Valencia Region, 20 Eurasian Griffon were found dead by electrocution among a total of 400 birds between 2000–2010 (607). In a study in which 333 lines and 6,304 high voltage poles were controlled in Ciudad Real Province and Albacete Province (Castilla-La Mancha Region) between October 2004 and December 2009, 952 birds of prey were killed by electrocution, of which 30 (3.2%) were Eurasian Griffon (608). Single electrocuted Eurasian Griffon were documented in Crimea in 1997 (609) and Kondrajec Pański (Poland) in 2006 (226). In Israel, five had collided with power lines or other infrastructure between 2001–2012 (547), and 51 were killed by electrocution in the Golan between 1980–1984 (108). In a dumping site in Jodhpur (India), 10 out of 23 birds killed by electrocution were Eurasian Griffon (610). In Iran, during a one year survey (2018) of power lines throughout the country, 235 electrocuted birds were recorded, including one Eurasian Griffon (611). In a sample of GPS-tagged Eurasian Griffon (n = 20), monitored from December 2016 to October 2020 in central and southern Apennines (Italy), 20% died by collision with wind turbines (567). A juvenile Eurasian Griffon was killed by collision with a wind turbine in Madeira Island (Portugal) in November 2021 (167).

Collisions with moving vehicles, including aircraft and cars, is another threat. Between 2006–2015, 26 collisions were recorded with aircraft around Madrid-Barajas airport (Spain; 612). In 1987, an F-4 jet struck an Eurasian Griffon in Spain, killing the pilot instantly and the navigator when it hit the ground moments later (613). In Aragón Region (Spain), 643 bird roadkills were recorded during 2012–2014. The species with the highest incidence (120 cases) was the Eurasian Griffon, with a mean of 3.3 roadkills per month (614). PMVC (326) recorded six Eurasian Griffon killed by road traffic accidents among a total of 16,036 birds in Spain, while another seven were recorded as hit by trains among 182 other birds in another study (615). Migrant birds were killed by cars in road accidents around Jodhpur, India (212), and in Russia, a single Eurasian Griffon was recorded as being hit by a car near Markelovo (Tomsk Region, Western Siberia) in 2012 (160), and near Konstantinovskoye (Stavropol Region) in 2007 (549).

Human/Research Impacts

Various other human activities can have direct impacts on the Eurasian Griffon, from direct mortality, nest destruction, and disturbance at the nest. In northern India, people fly kites as entertainment during the festival Uthrayan, which falls in January every year; between January 2005 and January 2007, six Eurasian Griffon were recorded dying due to kite injuries at Ahmedabad (566). Controlled burns carried out in the Pyrenees have destroyed occupied nests in 1985 and 1986 (17).

In Demir Kapija (Northern Macedonia), a Eurasian Griffon, disturbed by the presence of two mountaineers, flew out of the nest leaving the nestling alone, which was preyed upon by a Common Raven (386). Disturbance at the nest has also led to egg and nestling depredation by the Yellow-legged Gull when adults were forced to flush by human presence (17). In the region of Cataluña (Spain), the abandonment of incubated eggs and young chicks due to human interference was recorded between 1979–1980 (313). In Sardinia (Italy), 17.2% (n = 87) of broods were lost due to human interference (photographers, tourists, and/or hunters) between 1971–1984 (184, 86). In addition to loss of eggs and chicks, entire nesting and roosting areas were abandoned in Yazili Kanyon National Park (Türkiye) as a result of increased activity at nearby marble quarries (565).

In the Kvarner archipelago (Croatia), the disturbance caused by tourists caused up to 25 fledglings to fall into the sea every summer, of which about 50% could be rescued thanks to surveillance measures (616). The number of visitors in protected areas can affect movement patterns of scavengers. In Bardenas Reales Natural Park (Spain), there was a higher probability of locating GPS-tagged Eurasian Griffon (n = 7) away from core tourist areas of the park on those days with more visitors (617).

The increase in vehicle traffic in Bardenas Reales Natural Park (Navarra Region, Spain) altered patterns of carcass consumption by avian scavengers. The probability of consumption of carrion were reduced the shorter the distance to the road and in days with higher traffic intensity. Eurasian Griffon presence was at its highest early in the morning, suggesting avoidance of maximum traffic levels (618).


Conservation Measures and Habitat Management

Supplemental feeding stations, which were first used in 1966 in high Drakensberg of Natal, South Africa, for conservation of both the Bearded Vulture (Gypaetus barbatus) and Cape Griffon (Gyps coprotheres) (619), have been used to save the Eurasian Griffon and other scavengers from extinction. They are now used across across most of Europe, and many populations now largely depend on them for their survival (620). In northern Spain, the Eurasian Griffon often uses carcass dumping sites, intensive farms, and landfills. Birds showed a preference for sites with intermediate values of food abundance versus sites with large amounts of available food. The lack of sanitary control of carrion could negatively affect the Eurasian Griffon; less than 10% of the sites were authorized in northern Spain (621). In southern Spain, the Eurasian Griffon and Cinereous Vulture (Aegypius monachus) consumed most of the byproducts of hunted wild ungulates deposited in vulture feeding stations on hunting estates in the Sierra Morena mountain range (622).

Landfill management regulations should take into account the effects that they may have on the conservation of scavenging birds (623). The reduction of organic matter in landfills poses a threat to scavengers such as the Eurasian Griffon. A study carried out in a landfill in northeast Iberia (Spain) showed that the decrease in organic matter from 17,942 tons in 2012 to 450 tons in 2022 increased the proportion of transient adults and immatures, decreased the survival of adults and juveniles, and increased the survival of resident immatures (624).

In addition to use of supplemental feeding stations, reintroduction of the Eurasian Griffon began in the 1980s in France and expanded across numerous countries. In France, 61 birds were released from 1980 to 1986 in Grand Causses, 50 were released from 1993 to 1997 in Navacelles, 56 were released from 1996 to 2001 in Baronnies, 43 were released between 1999 and 2001 in Diois, and 90 were released from 1999 to 2004 in Verdon (235). Eurasian Griffon (n = 25) from Crete (Greece) were brought to Cyprus between 2011–2014 ( 185). In Italy, between 1987 and 2005, a total of 60 were released in Sardinia, 60 in Eastern Alps, 97 in Apennines, 35 in Sicily, and 12 in Pollino National Park (181). In Bulgaria, 275 were reintroduced between 2010 and 2016 (183), with efforts in the Kresna Gorge beginning in 2010 (625). A study in Serbia showed that in reintroduction or reinforcement programs, it was preferable to use birds from indigenous or neighboring populations instead of Iberian birds (626).

Other measures to protect the Eurasian Griffon, as well as other species, have included the regulation and banning of practices or items that have contributed to declines. The veterinary drug diclofenac has been banned since 2006 in India, Nepal, and Pakistan, and other Asian countries have since followed. The use of lead in ammunition is regulated or prohibited in European wetlands, but not in other habitats in most countries. Only in the Netherlands and Denmark is there a total ban on the use of lead in hunting ammunition. In Altai Republic (Siberia, Russia), poison use for wolf control is prohibited to officials (627).

In the Balkans, tracking data of the Eurasian Griffon (n = 56) identified seven areas frequently used or visited (>95% of the time): Alpo-Adriatic zone, western Serbia, Vrachanski Balkan Nature Park (Bulgaria), eastern Balkan mountains, Struma and Vardar Valleys (North Macedonia-Bulgaria), eastern Rhodopes (Bulgaria-Greece), and western Greece. Conservation actions in the Balkans should be focused in these areas (628).

Wind energy development should be spatially planned to consider the collision risks of sensitive species. A study in Spain used GPS-tracking data of 127 adult and 50 juvenile Eurasian Griffon during 2014–2022, as well as mortality data from wind farms during 1999–2022, and found that 19% and 10% of the Spanish peninsular area had a high risk of collision for adults and juveniles, respectively (629).

In Sardinia, dogs have free access to carrion infected by cystic echinococcosis. Carcass disposal for Eurasian Griffon through supplementary feeding stations contribute to limit the spread of the disease through the disruption of parasite’s lifecycle (630).

With the aim of restoring the natural processes of carrion consumption, a study began in 2022 in 15 National Parks in Germany in which carrion from wild vertebrates was deposited in nature. As a result, in 2023, 21 Eurasian Griffon were observed near a roe deer carcass in Eifel National Park (631).

Effectiveness of Measures

Although supplemental feeding stations have been recognized to be positive for the conservation of the Eurasian Griffon, studies have also warned of uncontrolled effects that can alter natural processes in populations. The availability of food subsidies may have effects on Eurasian Griffon age structure. In northern Spain, a higher proportion of immatures was recorded at landfills and near intensive livestock farms (621, 632). A study carried out in Segovia and Avila Provinces (Castilla y León Region, Spain) showed that supplementary feeding stations can act as Salmonella reservoirs (633). In addition, intensive farming is a source of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics; high rates of resistant Escherichia coli and other enterobacteria were found in fresh feces of adults (n = 42) after feeding on carcasses of pigs in supplementary feeding stations of Segovia Province (Spain; 634). Management recommendations include using variable locations of the stations, managing the spatiotemporal predictability and abundance of carrion, providing small carcasses and small pieces of carrion, controlling the safety, nutritional quality, and sanitary control of carrion, and use of multiple small and dispersed stations (309, 635, 620, 636).

The implementation of restrictive regulations on some contaminants since 2004 has been effective. Low concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine pesticides were found in blood samples (n = 15) of Eurasian Griffon fledglings from the Bardenas Reales de Navarra Natural Park in northern Spain (637). However, for other contaminants, such as poisons, it is sometimes difficult to locate the site and causes of poisoning because it has been observed that tracked Eurasian Griffon can be found dead at distances of up to 60 km from the poisoning site (638).

Damages caused to livestock by the Eurasian Griffon should be diligently checked and their owners promptly compensated by the authorities. In Cataluña Region (Spain), 22% of farmer complaints on conflict between Eurasian Griffon and livestock were compensated (537).

Some of the reintroduced populations in France were successful (e.g., Grand Causses, Baronnies, and Verdon), but others failed (e.g., Navacelles, Diois); these differences are probably related to different dispersal patterns among release sites (235). Dispersal behavior should be considered when planning reintroduction projects, especially because conspecific attraction favored recruitment in the largest and nearest colonies (238, 235). It has also been recommended that reintroductions should use adults that have bred in captivity within the reintroduction area rather than juveniles or immatures. Adults that have bred in captivity and were released in Grand Causses (France) had higher survival rates, and were less likely to disperse than juveniles or immatures (639). In Israel, higher survival rates were observed when reintroduced birds were reared by adult vultures compared to individuals that were hand reared; higher survival rates were also noted when birds were released in summer compared with birds released in winter (109). A study conducted in Sardinia (Italy) showed that the longer the acclimatization period was before release, the higher the survival rates. The number of individuals that reached sexual maturity was higher (71.4%) in 14-month-old aviary-acclimated birds than in 3-month-old acclimated (40%) or released birds without acclimation (28.6%; 640). In Kresna Gorge (Bulgaria), where birds were reintroduced beginning in 2010, six pairs built nests and laid two eggs in 2015, though these nests failed (625).

In Cádiz Province (Spain), Eurasian Griffon mortality in wind farms was reduced by over 92 % through selective turbine stopping protocols, which were associated with only an estimated loss of less than 0.51 % in energy production (641). It has been suggested that the Eurasian Griffon may become habituated to the presence of wind farms and would actively avoid the turbines (642, 643; but see 644). A study on Eurasian Griffon flight responses to wind farms conducted in the Causses (France) showed that farm avoidance was relatively limited at most sites and movements at each farm appeared to be related to the topography of the landscape (645).

In Portugal, 63.3% (n = 50) of Eurasian Griffon admitted to the Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre of the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro from 2005 to 2022 were rehabilitated and released in the wild (471). There is limited information about survival in the wild of those birds that have been treated at rehabilitation centers and released. In a sample of yearlings received at El Boticario rehabilitation center (Málaga Province, Spain), which were banded with PVC rings and released in the wild, 8.85% of them were resighted either alive or found shot (n = 113; 646).

In addition to the benefits of conservation measures to Eurasian Griffon populations, these measures also benefit human communities. For example, the potential annual benefit from visits to view the Eurasian Griffon at Gamla Nature Reserve, Israel, was estimated at USD 1.1–1.2 million (647). In the eastern Spanish Pyrenees mountains, 20 supplementary feeding sites for scavenger birds, including the Eurasian Griffon, receive visitors from Spain and multiple European countries. This scavenger-based tourism provides recreational activities for birdwatching, education, and/or photography; it has been estimated that these sites produce an average of USD 4.90 million annually, including USD 2.53 million in revenues for the local population (648, 649).

Thanks to conservation measures, the Eurasian Griffon has recovered much of its breeding range in southern Europe and Israel. See Historical Changes to the Distribution and Population Status.

Recommended Citation

Salvador, A. (2024). Eurasian Griffon (Gyps fulvus), version 6.0. In Birds of the World (S. M. Billerman and M. A. Bridwell, Editors). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA.
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