Birds of the World

American Golden-Plover Pluvialis dominica Scientific name definitions

Oscar W. Johnson, Peter G. Connors, and Peter Pyle
Version: 2.0 — Published June 21, 2024

Conservation and Management

The American Golden-Plover is evaluated as Least Concern by BirdLife International based on IUCN RedList Criteria. However, listing the American Golden-Plover as a “species of high concern” in the U.S. Shorebird Conservation Plan (303), and as a species of “high conservation concern” in the Alaska Shorebird Conservation Plan of 2019 (304), is fully warranted because of uncertain population numbers coupled with an alarming downtrend reported by Smith et al. 2023 (see Demography and Populations: Population Status) (302).

Effects of Human Activity

Some early ornithologists in North America thought the American Golden-Plover and the European Golden-Plover (Pluvialis apricaria) were the same species (e.g., Catesby in 1743; see 305). The first scientific description of the American Golden-Plover was by Brisson in 1760 from specimens collected at Hispaniola (see 306).

Habitat Loss and Degradation

Most breeding ranges of these plovers are intact and relatively unexploited by humans. However, the effects of climate change, low growth tundra replaced by taller shrubby vegetation (shrubification) and shifts in timing of insect emergence (phenological mismatch), loom as major threats to the stability of arctic and subarctic breeding grounds (307, 308, 309, 310, 311). Increasingly, there are potentially negative impacts from human infrastructure on important nesting grounds (312, 313).

Overwintering ranges and migratory routes are variously threatened by unfavorable agricultural practices (expansion, intensification, drainage, agrichemicals), conversion of nonbreeding habitat to other uses (e.g., grasslands to row crops, residential development), reclamation, and other anthropogenic pressures (106, 129, 62, 314, 315). Studies on the overwintering range in Argentina (117, 133, 128) indicate that plovers tend to avoid agricultural areas and concentrate instead on “flooding pampa” lowlands grazed by cattle. Any modification of these lands (economic conditions that might eventually favor drainage and conversion to cropland) would have serious impacts on this species. Also, intertidal areas are often important feeding grounds, and some coastal overwintering populations in the region are threatened by urbanization and tourism. The American Golden-Plover is clearly less able than the Pacific Golden-Plover (Pluvialis fulva) to coexist with humans during the nonbreeding season (see 137).

Azpiroz et al. (129) suggested that the species is declining on overwintering grounds in southeastern South America. Loss of habitat, particularly on the overwintering range (see Habitat​:​ Habitat in Nonbreeding Range), likely has ruled out any possibility of recovery to pre-exploitation levels.

Shooting and Trapping

The American Golden-Plover has the dubious honor of at least 52 local and regional folk names in the U.S. and Canada (316) among them: Bullhead, Field Plover, Greenback, Muddy-belly (fall adult), Pale-breast (juvenile), and Prairie Pigeon. The long list mostly commemorates the unfortunate popularity of this bird with 19th century gunners. A major population decline was caused by excessive sport and market hunting during the 1800s and early 1900s (317, 183, 318, 319, 145, 203, 205, 320). Large numbers were killed in North America, especially during mid-continental spring migrations. There are estimates that 48,000 were shot in a single day near New Orleans, Louisiana, in spring 1821 (J. J. Audubon in 203); 9,000 were received by Boston game dealers in the spring of 1890 (extrapolated from 210); and birds were sold “for 25¢ a dozen,” many spoiling before being sold, in the early 1850s in Portland, Maine (321), representative of the devastating effects of market hunting on this species.

The American Golden-Plover was also hunted on its South American overwintering range (48, 49, 145). The impact there is somewhat uncertain (see 106), but apparently much less than in North America (322). The population rebounded significantly after most hunting ended around 1900. Hunting of the American Golden-Plover in North America was officially terminated by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918. There is limited evidence of subsequent population stability, as numbers overwintering in eastern Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, showed no evidence of further decline over the 1927–1962 period (323). Isacch and Martinez (148), working at Medaland Ranch (an important Argentine overwintering site), witnessed a plover population from 1996–2000 of similar size to that recorded in earlier years by Myers and Myers (147). To what extent the foregoing hints of stability apply elsewhere on the overwintering range is unknown.

The American Golden-Plover is protected by law or otherwise unexploited in almost all of the Western Hemisphere. However, hunting of this plover still occurs in the Caribbean islands, including Barbados (324), Guadeloupe, and others (106, 315). Although this traditional activity gives incentive to preserve otherwise threatened wetlands (C. Faanes, personal communication; 106, 324), the negative impact on plovers may be very significant (see Demography and Populations: Population Status). Mortality from indigenous subsistence harvest in Alaska (mostly eggs, see 325) appears to be an insignificant factor, but needs further study.

Pesticides and Other Contaminants/Toxins

Pesticide exposure occurs on the overwintering grounds and along migratory routes. Feeding in rice fields may be particularly hazardous (see 132). In the 1970s, a pooled sample of eight birds collected on the Seward Peninsula (unclear if these birds were the American Golden-Plover, the Pacific Golden-Plover, or both) contained relatively high levels of DDE and PCBs (326). Limited subsequent sampling was less alarming: five American Golden-Plover collected on breeding grounds at Rankin Inlet, Nunavut contained low levels of DDE, dieldrin, heptachlor, and PCBs (327); eight birds at Churchill, Manitoba, were low in DDT, DDE, dieldrin, mirex, PCBs, mercury, cadmium, selenium, and arsenic (328); and 13 eggs from three sites in Alaska contained organic and inorganic contaminants, but at low levels these are unlikely to “affect the survival of individuals and consequently regulate the species at the population level” (329). Blood levels of mercury are relatively low in plovers nesting at Utqiagvik, Alaska, but of possible concern “when combined with other ecological stressors, such as habitat loss, predation, disturbance, and climate change” (330). No DDT-associated eggshell thinning was found in golden-plover eggs (species uncertain) from Alaska (331). Strum et al. (332) measured plasma cholinesterase in healthy specimens of the American Golden-Plover as a means to establish baseline values against which to measure possible cholinesterase-inhibiting effects of organophosphate and carbamate pesticides. Subsequent sampling of plovers in South America “did not show evidence of exposure” (333).

Collisions with Stationary/Moving Structures

The species faces potentially harmful effects from the erection of wind turbines (wind farms) along continental migration pathways. Notably, a major spring stopover site for the plover in Benton County, Indiana (see Movements and Migration: Migratory Behavior) is also the site of a massive wind farm development (106). Studies of plover behavior during stopover in the area suggested that turbines were causing only "limited avoidance," insofar as use of fields was concerned, but researchers cautioned that findings were tentative (334).


Conservation Measures and Habitat Management

Of the various threats mentioned above, probably the most significant is on the breeding grounds where Wauchope et al. (310) predict that warming climate will cause up to 64% loss of suitable nesting habitat by 2070 (also see 335, 336). A conservation plan has been developed for the species by Clay et al. (106).

Recommended Citation

Johnson, O. W., P. G. Connors, and P. Pyle (2024). American Golden-Plover (Pluvialis dominica), version 2.0. In Birds of the World (B. K. Keeney, P. G. Rodewald, and S. M. Billerman, Editors). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA.
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