Birds of the World

Eurasian Hoopoe Upupa epops Scientific name definitions

Steven G. Mlodinow and Peter Pyle
Version: 2.0 — Published July 19, 2024

Conservation and Management

Not globally threatened (Least Concern), but declining. See Demography and Populations: Population Status: Trends.

Effects of Human Activity

Habitat Loss and Degradation

In portions of its range, the Eurasian Hoopoe has suffered from the loss of suitable nesting sites due to the removal of old rotting trees and/or the decline of primary cavity nesters, mainly woodpeckers (31). Moreover, in alternative breeding sites, such as in stone walls, broods seem to suffer from increased predation (24). This has been partly countered by nestbox programs in places such as Switzerland and Germany (158, 202). Nestboxes may modify the ecological constraints suffered by populations that use natural holes, mainly reducing the risk of predation and increasing clutch size (210, 211, 212). In Europe, intensifying agriculture and the mechanical treatment of soil in agricultural areas has negatively impacted the abundance of the European mole cricket (Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa), an important prey item (213, 132). However, in both Israel and Arabia (which are naturally too arid to host breeding Eurasian Hoopoe), agriculture has increased the species' range and population (75, 43).

Effects of Invasive Species

The Rose-ringed Parakeet (Psittacula krameri) has been introduced into Israel, where it competes with the Eurasian Hoopoe for nest holes (203). The Rose-ringed Parakeet was first found nesting in southern Israel in 2002 in a date (Phoenix dactylifera) grove; subsequently, the breeding density of Eurasian Hoopoe dropped from circa 1.8 pairs/ha to nearly zero from 2001–2009 at one date grove and from 1.2 to 0.4 birds/ha at another (203).

Hunting and Trapping

The Eurasian Hoopoe is hunted or simply shot in parts of the Mediterranean region, Kuwait, and in parts of southeastern Asia (43, 31). In Israel, where hunting/shooting the Eurasian Hoopoe is illegal, hunting by guest workers has been considered a problem (214). However, very little information seems to exist on the extent of these activities elsewhere.

Pesticides and Other Contaminants/Toxics

The use of pesticides in Europe would be expected to decreased European mole crickets populations, and important part of the diet of the Eurasian Hoopoe (215, 132), but the extent of this affect is unknown. A study in Punjab, India found that levels of lead, zinc, and cadmium all increased in the feathers of nestlings between 7–35 d after hatching, likely from being fed insects that had consumed these heavy metals. Mean levels of lead in the feathers rose from 300 ppm/g to 3,000 ppm/g; mean levels of zinc rose from 200 ppm/g to 1,000 ppm/g; and the mean levels of cadmium rose from 100 ppm/g to 700 ppm/g between days 7 and 35 (216). The effects of these heavy metal concentrations on the nestlings was not directly tested, but excessive amounts of these heavy metals in other organisms has been shown to cause detrimental effects on metabolism, survival, and reproduction (216).

Collisions with Stationary/Moving Structures or Objects

Undescribed in the literature.

Human/Research Impacts

None known other than those described in above sections.


Conservation Measures and Habitat Management

Conservation measures have been enacted only at the edges of the Eurasian Hoopoe breeding range. Since 1998, a nestbox program in the Valais area of Switzerland created nest sites in an agricultural area that was quite suitable for breeding, except for the lack of nest holes. From 2002–2010, the population of Eurasian Hoopoe in Switzerland grew at a mean rate of 1.1% per year, a rise strongly correlated with juvenile survival, fecundity, and immigration (158); while fecundity was greatly aided by the nestbox program (217), immigration was also important to the population increase, emphasizing the need for a broad rather than local perspective for population studies, and the development of wide-scale conservation actions (157, 158). A nestbox program in Germany has also been successful (202).

Crucial for the rapid and massive restoration of the Valais, Switzerland Eurasian Hoopoe population was the availability of a detailed, evidence-based set of conservation recommendations (77). By identifying the lack of suitable nesting opportunities as the principal cause of decline in the study area, suitable guidelines could be generated and applied (204). Not surprisingly, the subsequent massive installation of nestboxes caused a sudden spatial shift of breeding pairs from the foothill slopes to the valley plain (217). The sudden close proximity of suitable breeding opportunities to optimal foraging grounds led to a significant increase in reproductive output (204, 134).

In the southwestern France, the creation of openings within or adjacent to woodlands along with provision of nestboxes has been advocated for (122), but no formal program has been initiated.

Recommended Citation

Mlodinow, S. G. and P. Pyle (2024). Eurasian Hoopoe (Upupa epops), version 2.0. In Birds of the World (S. M. Billerman, Editor). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA.
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