Birds of the World

American Golden-Plover Pluvialis dominica Scientific name definitions

Oscar W. Johnson, Peter G. Connors, and Peter Pyle
Version: 2.0 — Published June 21, 2024



Pair Formation

Most birds appear to arrive on nesting grounds, or on early, snow-free openings near nesting grounds, unpaired. The earliest arrivals tend to be males (31, 124). Pairing takes place as the plovers linger on openings or when a female settles on territory established by a male (46, 119, 37). Territorial display (Butterfly Display) flights begin within the first few days after arrival (120, 37, 31). Time required for Butterfly Display flights and other pairing-related activities (see Behavior: Sexual Behavior) to affect bond is unknown, but pairs are evident within three to six days of the earliest arrivals (31). Display flights are common throughout the day and night early in the breeding cycle, and gradually decline as clutches are completed. The onset of bad weather on nesting grounds sometimes results in the displacement or disappearance of pairs. Males occasionally remain unpaired throughout all or a portion of the season. The latter situation probably indicates failure of pairing due to delayed snowmelt or loss of a replacement nest (see Demography and Populations: Measures of Breeding Activity), followed by desertion of the female (135, O. W. Johnson).

Nest Building

The production of multiple nest scrapes by the male is part of pair-bonding (see Behavior: Sexual Behavior). A male completes his final nest within a few days after initiation of pairing behavior.

First/Only Brood

Egg-laying occurs from mid-May to late June (Figure 2), but this varies by region and spring weather. Records of early completed clutches: 1 June on Seward Peninsula, Alaska (O. W. Johnson), 5 June at Churchill, Manitoba (124), 9 June in north-central Alaska (59), 14–15 June on Victoria Island, Nunavut (46), and 18–20 June on Bylot Island, Nunavut (171).

Median clutch completion dates on Melville Peninsula, Nunavut were 20 June (n = 24) in 1981 and 19 June (n = 3) in 1982 (121). Median nest initiation dates on North Slope, Alaska varied from 8–12 June over four consecutive seasons (138), and from 1–26 June near Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, over nine seasons (250).

Late clutches, some probably replacement layings (see Demography and Populations: Measures of Breeding Activity), are reported until the end of June. As with egg-laying, hatching schedule varies with seasonal conditions. Approximate periods for various locations are: first and second weeks of July, Churchill (119, 221); second week of July, Victoria Island, Melville Peninsula, Prince Charles Island (46, 121, 173); third week of July, Bylot Island (171); fourth week of July, Devon Island (174); late June to mid July, Seward Peninsula (O. W. Johnson). If nesting is delayed by late snowmelt or clutches are replaced, hatching may extend to late July or early August (135). They produce a maximum of one brood per season.

Nest Site

Selection Process

Males establish territories in which they create several scrapes during pair-bonding, but the selection process for the final nest is unknown. On the Seward Peninsula, Alaska, males return to the previous year's territory (females are seldomly site faithful) and often nest within 100 m of last year's nest (134, 135, 118).

Microhabitat and Site Characteristics

The American Golden-Plover nests in relatively dry, open tundra, but where sympatric with the Pacific Golden-Plover (Pluvialis fulva) (as on Seward Peninsula), typical conditions at nests differ between the species (37; see Habitat​: Habitat in Breeding Range). The typical nest is located within a mosaic of lichen-covered rocks or ground, covered with vegetation of Dryas spp., crowberry, and other scattered forbs, grasses, and sedges. On the Seward Peninsula, the American Golden-Plover tends to select high, rocky, steep sites with sparse, short vegetation. The Pacific Golden-Plover selects lower sites with more vegetation. At the extremes, the nests of the American Golden-Plover are built in lichen-covered rocky barrens with few flowering plants present, and the nests of the Pacific Golden-Plover are built in dwarf shrub heath tundra, or in low grasses and sedges. In regions where the species are allopatric, each species is less selective.

On the Seward Peninsula, a reversal of the foregoing occurs occasionally with the American Golden-Plover nesting in habitat typical of the Pacific Golden-Plover and vice versa. There was one instance of the same American Golden-Plover male nesting in a moist, grassy tussock the first year, then switching to a nearby dry, barren, rocky site the next season (118).


Construction Process

The male forms a nest cup by scraping with the toes and rubbing with the breast (see Behavior: Sexual Behavior). The process also involves the male standing either in or next to the scrape and tossing bits of lichen alternately over each shoulder (O. W. Johnson).

Structure and Composition

The nest is usually lined with lichens, especially Thamnolia vermicularis, and some nests contain dry grasses, leaves of willow (Salix) and Dryas, and occasionally a few pebbles and/or small sticks. Some nests are very simple, with an incomplete lining over the surface of the ground (O. W. Johnson; also see 248).

Nests and eggs are impressively camouflaged. Nests are usually challenging to locate, as aptly described by Murdoch (224): “ . . . it is simply time wasted to attempt to find the nest by looking for it, as I know by hard experience. The only way to make sure of the eggs is to withdraw some distance, and sit down patiently and wait for the bird to go back to her eggs, watching her if necessary with field glasses. Having marked her on the nest, one must walk towards it in a straight line, looking neither to the right nor the left and keeping his eyes fixed on the spot she rises from. He is then pretty sure of the eggs. However, the surface of the tundra is so uniform that a careless glance to one side or the other after the bird is flushed may throw the collector wholly off the track, and then he has to go back and wait for the bird to return again.”


The nest is a shallow circular depression. On Seward Peninsula, Alaska, nests ranged from 110–125 mm in diameter x 32–59 mm deep (n = 9). The diameters included the rim of plant material which sometimes extended slightly beyond the cup itself and the depth was to the surface of the lining at the center of the cup (O. W. Johnson). At Cape Henrietta Maria, Ontario, dimensions of nests were 100–125 mm (n = 5) x 40–50 mm deep (n = 3) (251).


Insulative properties of nests are relatively inefficient, contributing to energetically expensive incubation (see 252). Among shorebirds nesting on the Taimyr Peninsula, Far North Russia, Tulp and coworkers (216) found that larger birds (including the closely related Pacific Golden-Plover (Pluvialis fulva)) insulated nests less effectively than smaller species, and offered several possible explanations: (1) larger mass produces energetically favorable surface to volume ratio of both bird and its eggs, (2) building simpler nest costs less energy, (3) biparental incubation results in eggs being seldom uncovered, (4) nests often located on drier tundra, and (5) excessive insulation may negate camouflage of nest.

Maintenance or Reuse of Nests

Nest cups are known to be reused, how often is uncertain because the original “owner/builder” of the cup is generally unknown, and may not be the bird captured/banded on the nest. On Seward Peninsula reuse has occurred up to, at least, 5 years after the cup was first found. Nests are readily available for reuse, since cup and lining often persist for many seasons (118; O. W. Johnson and P. Bruner, unpublished data). Reuse typically involves the male that was initially captured on the nest. Sometimes reuse is by a conspecific, or by an interspecific, as with the Pacific Golden-Plover nesting in a previous cup of an American Golden-Plover. In an instance of the latter, a Pacific Golden-Plover was the fourth known occupant of an American Golden-Plover cup nest that had already been used twice by the initial male captured there, and once by an unmarked conspecific (253). On the North Slope of Alaska, a record of interspecific reuse was reported involving an American Golden-Plover that nested in the previous cup of a Stilt Sandpiper (Calidris himantopus) ( 138). At Utqiagvik, Alaska, the American Golden-Plover had higher rates of reuse (10%, apparently all conspecific) than other shorebirds (254).

Nonbreeding Nests

As noted above, extra scrapes are constructed by the male during pair-bonding, but apparently only the final nest is lined.



Ovate pyriform. The narrow ends of 4 eggs fit together snugly in center of nest, creating minimum brooding area for incubating bird.


Similar in both the American Golden-Plover and the Pacific Golden-Plover (Pluvialis fulva). Representative size measurements are shown in Table 1. Mean egg volume is 24.2 ml ± 1.5 SD, n = 88 eggs (31).


Egg mass is about 25–29 g at laying (255, O. W. Johnson), declining to about 18–23 g near hatching (O. W. Johnson; P. Bruner and A. Bruner, personal communication). Mass of a freshly laid clutch (100+ g) is about equivalent to the fat-free weight of a female.


Similar in both the American Golden-Plover and the Pacific Golden-Plover; probably not distinguishable. Ground colors vary from whitish to buff, cinnamon buff, creamy buff, greenish buff, and ivory yellow. Eggs are heavily marked (especially near the large end) with irregular splotches and spots of dark brown and black, also a few underlying spots of gray (203, 171, 227, 256, 257). On Seward Peninsula, ground color is typically greenish buff, predominant markings are dark brown (O. W. Johnson). Whether ground colors of the Pacific Golden-Plover “average paler” than those of the American Golden-Plover (203) is uncertain. Intensity and pattern of markings are variable both within and between clutches (O. W. Johnson).

Surface Texture

Smooth and slightly to moderately glossy (256, O. W. Johnson).

Eggshell Weight and Thickness

From the Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology (WFVZ) collection, pre-1947 eggshell weights and thicknesses averaged 1.45 g (range 1.23–1.79, n = 73 eggs, 20 clutches) and 0.188 mm (range 0.167–0.212, n = 77 eggs, 21 clutches), respectively. There was no evidence of egg-shell thinning associated with pesticides (see Conservation and Management: Effects of Human Activity).

Clutch Size

Four eggs per clutch is typical in the American Golden-Plover(46, 119, 138, O. W. Johnson). However, clutch samples often average less than 4 eggs (e.g., 3.7 eggs [n = 21 clutches, WFVZ collection]; 3.8 eggs [n = 26 clutches, 138]), presumably owing to partial depredation, or replacement clutches of less than 4 eggs. An unusual clutch of 8 eggs (gradually “depredated one by one”) was reported at Churchill, Manitoba (123), likely involved egg-dumping. Replacement laying after nest loss together with between-clutch mate fidelity has been documented in both the American Golden-Plover and the Pacific Golden-Plover(118, 253).

Egg Laying

Laying presumably starts with completion of the nest, but there are no precise observations. One female laid eggs at 2 day intervals (46), other findings suggest approximately a 1.5 day interval (172, O. W. Johnson). It is reasonable to assume a 6 to 7 day typical interval for laying of a complete 4-egg clutch, though a shorter period (approximately 4.5 to 5.5 d) was estimated by 31. There is no information concerning the time of day when laying occurs. Replacement of individual eggs is not reported; for replacement of clutches, and also egg dumping, see Demography and Populations: Measures of Breeding Activity. Broken eggs are removed from the nest promptly. In one instance where eggs were probably trampled by reindeer, a pair of birds carried off the remains of the entire clutch, then deserted nest (O. W. Johnson).

Prior to onset of incubation, paired birds often forage together. With incubation, the off-duty bird (especially female) usually departs territory and feeds elsewhere. During the egg-laying period and early incubation, birds generally flee from humans, may remain silent or sound alarm calls. Full repertoire of calls and distraction displays are more likely as incubation progresses (see Sounds and Vocal Behaviors: Vocalizations and Behavior: Predation).


Onset of Broodiness and Incubation in Relation to Laying

Some incubation begins before completion of the clutch, between laying of eggs 2 and 3, or between eggs 3 and 4 and appears, initially, to be partial warming only. Full incubation begins when the clutch is complete (46, 31, O. W. Johnson). Warming of incomplete clutches is probably done by the male only. The energetics of reproduction likely require the female to spend her time feeding.

Incubation Patches

Both the male and female have 2 oblong patches, 1 on either side of the mid belly.

Incubation Period

About 25 days, no doubt varies somewhat with ambient temperatures and frequency of disturbance by investigators. Measurements: 26–27 days (46), 25 days (258), 25–27 days (138), and 23–24 days (124). Liebezeit et al. (259) give egg flotation measurements for estimating the stage of incubation. Rates of daily energy expenditure (DEE) are very high among incubating shorebirds (260, 261). There are no precise measurements in this species, however, based on Piersma et al. (260), DEE during incubation is likely around 375 kJ/day.

Parental Behavior

The male usually incubates during the day (about 0800–2000 h) and the female incubates at night (about 2000–0800 h), but there is considerable individual variability (244, O. W. Johnson). When not incubating, the male generally forages on territory or at least within earshot of territory, and remains alert to predators that might threaten the incubating mate, and to intrusion by intraspecific or interspecific competitors. It also advertises territory with Butterfly Display flights (see Behavior: Spacing). The male may assist the disturbed female with distraction displays and aggressive behaviors, but the off-duty male frequently performs these actions with less intensity than the on-duty female (see Behavior: Predation). The non-incubating female usually forages at some distance from territory, generally beyond earshot from the mate.

Change-over is performed rapidly (O. W. Johnson): oncoming bird flies to vicinity of nest and walks toward it; when the approaching individual is about 5–15 m from nest, mate flies away; replacement bird usually on the nest < 1 min after mate's departure.

Prebasic molt begins during incubation (see Appearance: Molts). The incubating birds carry shed feathers from the nest and discard them ≥ 75 m away (O. W. Johnson).

Hardiness of Eggs Against Temperature Stress

No experimental data, but Spindler (262) described an incident suggesting great hardiness, at least during early incubation. An American Golden-Plover nest about 5 days past completion of egg-laying was buried by a late snow storm on the Arctic Slope of Alaska, 21–23 June 1978. The nest was first located 23 June from behavior of the adults and plover footprints on a snowdrift. It was 15–20 cm under the snow, and the 4 eggs were cold. With the nest uncovered, the adult plovers resumed incubating, and eggs hatched between 12–14 July.


Preliminary Events and Vocalizations

During pipping, the Pacific Golden-Plover chick calls with high-pitched pfib (227). A similar call is likely in the American Golden-Plover.

Shell Breaking and Emergence

The following details are based on hatching records from 8 nests on the Seward Peninsula, Alaska (135): progression from minute cracks in shell to obvious breakage (star-pip, or tiny pip hole) varied from 5–50 h; went from latter pipping states to actual emergence of individuals (which happened at all hours of the day and night) in 9.5–27.5 h, with most chicks emerging in 10–20 h; the interval from fine hairline cracks to 4 dry chicks in and around nest was approximately 2–4 d (42–96 h); from pipped condition to 4 dry chicks required about 1–3 d (21–67 h); emergence of brood members asynchronous (hatching-order probably directly related to laying-order) with intervals between emergence of first and fourth chicks ranging from 18–22 h; generally first chick to hatch was already mobile to around 3 m from nest before the last chick had emerged; from emergence of first chick to abandonment of nest by parents and brood was estimated at 26–30 h. Other measurements: 77 h average per chick from pipping until dry (n = 32) at Churchill, Manitoba (244), approximately 4 d pipping to complete hatch of a clutch on Bylot Island (171).

Parental Assistance and Disposal of Eggshells

No assistance is reported during hatching. Parents remove eggshells soon after emergence of chicks, flying away to deposit fragments remote from nest site (31, O. W. Johnson). Both parents are typically at the nest during the hatching process, with the female possibly doing the most incubation and brooding through this period (227; O. W. Johnson; P. Bruner and A. Bruner, personal communication).

Young Birds

Condition at Hatching

Mass and linear measurements (mean ± SD) of hatchlings include: mass 19.5 g ± 1.3 SD, range 17–21 g, n = 15 (P. Bruner and A. Bruner, personal communication); mass 18.3 g ± 1.7 SD, n = 14 (263); mass 19–21 g, culmen 10–1 mm, tarsus “about” 30 mm, n = 5 (46); mass 17.2 g and 19.5 g, n = 2 (39); mass 19.7 g, n = 2 (220); mass 19.0 g ± 0.8 SD (n = 7), culmen 11.9 mm ± 0.9 SD (n = 9), and tarsus 30.0 mm ± 0.6 SD (n = 9) (31). For descriptions of plumage and bare parts, see Appearance: Plumages.

After hatching, the Pacific Golden-Plover (Pluvialis fulva) young use the same high-pitched pfib call mentioned earlier (see Hatching); also pfeb, pfiib, pfilib, and pfeeberee (227). Calls of the young American Golden-Plover are likely similar, but have not been described. Early-hatched chicks (both species) frequently forage near the nest, while the adult continues to incubate late-hatching egg(s).

Growth and Development

Nidifugous (leave the nest shortly after hatching), ptilopaedic (downy) young grow rapidly. One “nearly six-day-old male” had grown to 30 g, its culmen to 15 mm, tarsus to 37.5 mm; bird had no Juvenile feathers except for “barely visible” wing quills (46). Mass of chicks increased from approximately 20 g to 75 g in 15 days (222). Fledging is estimated at 22–23 days (46, 121). Compared to other shorebird neonates, the American Golden-Plover hatchlings are relatively effective homeotherms, since their body mass is sufficient to provide a favorable ratio between heat production and heat loss (220). According to Williams et al. (222), young birds can maintain body temperature under freezing ambient conditions when they reach 48% of adult mass.

Parental Care


Chicks are brooded in the nest for variable period of hours after hatching is complete, and desert the nest thereafter. Both parents tend foraging chicks and frequently brood them. Visser and Ricklefs (220) studying metabolic characteristics of American Golden-Plover neonates in a laboratory chamber suggested that chicks might experience body temperature fluctuation between 38 and 30°C under field conditions. Krijgsveld et al. (221) conducted similar work in both laboratory and field, and among their findings: chicks returning to parents for brooding had body temperatures that never fell below 35.5°C; foraging bouts lengthened with increasing ambient temperatures and age, bouts were substantially longer between 0600–1100 h than at other times; brooding bouts averaged 12 min. Frequency and duration of brooding likely depend on weather conditions. Both before and after deserting the nest, disturbance or threat causes chicks to flatten and remain motionless. The excellent camouflage of downy plumage makes the chicks almost impossible to detect.


Coordinated movements and other responses develop rapidly, and within a few hours of hatching precocial young are apparently adept at finding food. The chicks are not fed by parents. They forage independently by pecking at prey on vegetation or on the ground. Diet is apparently insects (Diptera and Coleoptera likely predominate, see 264) and spiders. Both adults tend the young during at least the first 2 weeks, leading them to foraging areas and protecting them from predators.

Initial foraging takes place on territory, but the family soon moves to more densely vegetated tundra in search of food and, perhaps most importantly, concealment (171, 46, 120, 172, 265, 264, O. W. Johnson, P. G. Connors). A pair with young chicks moved 0.8 km from the nest within 3 days of hatching (174); another family, within 4 days of hatching, traveled about 0.5 km downward from its nest on a dry, rocky ridge and crossed a road to reach moist, relatively tall, grassy vegetation on a lower slope (O. W. Johnson).

Cooperative Breeding

Never observed.

Brood Parasitism by Other Species

Never observed.

Fledgling Stage

Based on relatively few observations, both parents remain with offspring through most of the chick stage. As young approach or gain flight capability, one or both parents may abandon them and join other adults to begin migration, or adults and young may join foraging flocks.

Immature Stage

With departure of adults on fall migration, flocks of fledged and independent young appear on the tundra and especially along the coast (172, P. G. Connors). The last individuals remain until late August to early October, typically juveniles.

Recommended Citation

Johnson, O. W., P. G. Connors, and P. Pyle (2024). American Golden-Plover (Pluvialis dominica), version 2.0. In Birds of the World (B. K. Keeney, P. G. Rodewald, and S. M. Billerman, Editors). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA.
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