Birds of the World

Eurasian Griffon Gyps fulvus Scientific name definitions

Alfredo Salvador
Version: 6.0 — Published July 26, 2024



The Eurasian Griffon forages 7–9 hours each day. Flight types include thermal soaring, linear soaring, slope soaring, gliding, and spiral gliding. Feeding birds exhibit agonistic behavior toward other individuals to maintain their position at a carcass. It is typically monogamous, but extra-pair copulations have been recorded. A colonial and social species, it congregates to breed and to roost, although some pairs reproduce alone, and will also sometimes occupy aeries built by other species. Territorial at nesting sites, it can behave aggressively towards conspecifics. Courtship flights occur near the colony cliffs.


Walking, Running, Hopping, Climbing, etc.

Information needed.


Three types of soaring (thermal soaring, linear soaring, and slope soaring) and two types of gliding (gliding and spiral gliding) were identified in the Eurasian Griffon using high-resolution tracking data from Spain (349). To initiate thermal soaring, it enters thermals and circles inside to gain altitude. Initially, thermals are weak and narrow, and the Eurasian Griffon adopts high bank angles (25–35°), during which a bird is inclined about its longitudinal axis with respect to the horizontal, to maximize climb rates. A bird decreases their bank angle and increases their turning radius with altitude (350, 351). During linear soaring, there is upward straight flight for at least 350 m, while in slope soaring, the Eurasian Griffon flies in parallel to a cliff in a pattern similar to a figure of eight until a thermal is located. During gliding, a Eurasian Griffon flies in a downward straight direction, while in spiral gliding, it uses a spiral pattern to slowly descend to the nest or to the ground (349). In another study from Crete (Greece), flight was measured as follows (values given as mean ± SD): 0.6 m/s ± 0.38 SD climb rate in thermals, 8 min ± 6.9 SD duration of thermal soaring, 248 m ± 112.3 SD starting height of thermal soaring, 18.8 m/s ± 9.26 SD inter-thermal gliding speed, 3.5 min ± 1.7 SD duration of inter-thermal gliding, 14.3 min ± 7.1 SD duration spent thermal soaring plus gliding (termed "cross-country phase"), and a speed of 5.1 m/s ± 4.4 SD during the cross-country phase (278). See also Food Capture and Consumption.

In a free-flying individual, the heart rate ranged from less than 20 to almost 200 beats/min (352). In another individual, resting heart rate was 44.6 beats/min ± 3.5 SD, increasing to 222 beats/min ± 43 SD upon flapping at take-off. After 10 min of soaring-gliding flight, its heart rate decreased to 81.1 beats/min ± 19.1 SD. Heart rate increased again to 284.7 beats/min ± 49.9 SD at landing ( 353).

During home-range foraging, the Eurasian Griffon flaps its wings more and flies lower to the ground than on long-haul flights (flying distances of more than 300 km). Young individuals use thermals less and flap more, and breeding individuals fly lower than non-breeding individuals (267).

The Eurasian Griffon depends on thermal updrafts for flight. In winter, however, rising air thermals are less frequent. Therefore, it stays longer at its roost, flies fewer hours, and must use active flapping to become airborne. In the summer, thermals are stronger and more frequent, ideal for energy-conserving soaring flight (247). The location and intensity of thermals vary, and a vulture's ability to use them efficiently depends on its age. In weak thermals with low wind speed, juveniles and experienced adults showed no difference in soar-glide efficiency. However, in intermediate wind conditions, adults (more than 5 years) exhibited faster climb rates than those with little experience (less than 2 months; 354).

A Eurasian Griffon can use social information for flight decisions. In one study, it was observed that to find the next thermal updraft, high-ranking vultures joined those thermals in which there were a greater number of conspecifics, while low-ranking vultures were more likely to search for thermals by themselves (355).

Swimming and Diving

A Eurasian Griffon migrating through the Strait of Gibraltar was observed to fall into the sea, and it reached the coast by swimming a distance of 400 m (356). In another instance, a fledging fell into the sea near Krk Island (Croatia) and swam 50 m to reach the coast (85).


Preening, Head-Scratching, Stretching, Sunbathing, Bathing, Anting, ect.

The Eurasian Griffon spends an average of two hours each day preening its plumage and sunbathing, often with open wings (199). Self-maintenance behavior begins at a young age: on day 25 post-hatch, a nestling in captivity started preening while lying down; from day 36 it preened while sitting and included breast plumage in its routine (16). The sunbathing posture with wings spread was observed in captivity beginning on day 95 (16).

Birds will gather in temporary pools to bathe, exhibiting agonistic behavior within the group (17). In the Eastern Rhodope Mountains (Bulgaria and Greece), it used fountains and natural springs for bathing throughout the year, but mostly during spring and summer (274).

Sleeping, Roosting

Communal roosts of over a hundred birds have been found throughout the Iberian Peninsula (272). Roosts were found in rocks and in trees (3). On the island of Crete (Greece), non-breeding birds and failed breeders gathered in cliff-side roosts during March to June and peak between June and August (279).

Daily Time Budget

On Crete (Greece), on average, vultures left the colony 1.57 h after sunrise in winter and 2.58 h after sunrise in summer. Mean foraging time per day was 7.6 h ± 1.1 SD and varied between winter (6.8 h ± 0.37 SD) and summer (8.4 h ± 0.90 SD). Birds returned to their colony ca. 2.3 h before sunset throughout the year (278). In the Pyrenees, it foraged 7–8 h/d (58.3–66.6% of the period of average annual sunlight); in winter, it spent 5 h foraging, while in summer daily foraging increased to 9 h (199).

In nonbreeding Eurasian Griffon that were tracked (n = 12) from Pyrenees (France), the summer mean time (UTC) of departure from roost was 0641 h ± 0059 SD, and the mean time (UTC) of arrival at roost was 1656 h ± 0043 SD. The mean number of flight bouts per day was 11.68 ± 6.47 SD. About half (54.1% ± 13.0 SD) of the time budget outside of the roosting areas was spent resting on the ground or on a perch. In breeding Eurasian Griffon that were tracked (n = 12) from the Causses (France), the summer mean time (UTC) of departure from roost was 0724 h ± 0034 SD, and mean time (UTC) of arrival at roost was 1618 h ± 0032 SD. The mean proportion of time that these birds spent on the ground or on a perch was 19.0% ± 7.0 SD. The mean number of flight bouts per day was 5.82 ± 1.21 SD (357).

Agonistic Behavior

Physical and Communicative Interactions

A feeding Eurasian Griffon maintains its position at a carcass by threatening, fighting with, and expelling others, all while employing various vocal expressions; other individuals stand aside and wait for a dominant bird to leave. After a dominant individual finishes feeding, another individual takes its place. When fighting, an aggressor, with bristled mantle and scapular feathers, pecks or jumps on the rival, pushing it with their legs; it can also attack with wings open and raised, and neck stretched forward. Another aggressive posture is to approach the opponent slowly with the head lowered and neck stretched out, wings spread, and mantle and scapulars feathers ruffled, while lifting a leg with the toes spread (358, 293, 284).

Nesting pairs expel other individuals from the nest surroundings by adopting threat postures: a stretched neck, ruffled scapulars and mantle feathers, hanging wings slightly separated from the body, and pecking (199). In high density colonies, competition for nesting sites can lead to very aggressive fights (359).

Territorial Behavior

The Eurasian Griffon is territorial at nesting sites, showing aggressive behavior towards conspecifics. Mated individuals defend the nest and the area within a ca. 5 m radius surrounding it. Territorial behavior occurs during the breeding period, with two peaks in aggressive behavior observed: one month prior to laying, and three weeks prior to fledging. The first peak in territorial aggressive behavior is related to nest defense, and the second peak is related to nestling protection. Adults from neighboring nests have been observed (n = 2) entering other nests and repeatedly pecking the chick so that it vomits and they can steal the food (344). In the Pyrenees, nest intrusions by other Eurasian Griffon during the pre-fertile and fertile periods were observed in 90.9% of the nests (n = 33); 14.4% of the agonistic interactions (n = 15) ended with physical aggression. These visits could be related to stealing nest material, or to extra-pair copulation attempts (360).

Sexual Behavior

Mating System and Operational Sex Ratio

Monogamous species (9, 3). The process of mate selection and the traits preferred by males or females are unknown (292).

Nestling sex-ratio at three breeding areas in central Spain was non-significantly male-biased and did not significantly vary between years (n = 521; period 1990–2020; 361). In central Spain, males showed higher mortality than females during their first year, which has not been found in later years (18); wild-hatched populations in southern France followed the same trend (234). The higher mortality rate of males in early life might explain the female-biased sex ratio among subadult breeders in natural populations (362).

Courtship, Copulation, and Pair Bond


Courtship flights near the colony cliffs (9, 3) start in September and increase in frequency until maximum intensity in mid-December (344). In the most common type of courtship flight, birds fly together, one above the other; in one study, on average four birds ± 2 SD participated (range 2–12, n = 102). In another type, birds fly closely next to each other; in one study, on average two birds (± 1 SD) participated (range 2–4, n = 92). In Crete (Greece), the flight of two birds together was short, and lasted no longer than 20 s; the total time spent in aerial displays was 62 s ± 9 SD (range 9–180 s, n = 209; 344). Observations of banded individuals in the Massif Central (France) revealed that tandem flight was initiated by the vulture that positioned itself above the other. Tandem flights were performed mostly by mated partners, with the female in the top position (n = 19; 363).

Another form of courtship takes place at the nest. In a study from Crete, allopreening was mostly initiated by the male and usually preceded copulation; the male and female pecked at each other’s face or head for 114 s ± 45 SD (range 24–390 s, n = 59; 344). The average time the male and the female were present on the nest increased significantly from the pre-fertile period (32.57% ± 9.10 SD) to the fertile period (47.67% ± 3.84 SD; 360).


Before copulation, the male may move around the female in a horizontal position, lifting the tail with the wings half open (156). During copulation, the female adopts a horizontal posture and the male then jumps on the back and extends its neck to rub both sides of the female's neck. Male and female emit groaning sounds (364).

In Crete, copulations were initiated in October and increased in frequency until the pre-laying period in December. Copulation attempts occurred mainly on the nesting ledge (344). In Turkmenistan, copulations were observed between 23 November and 5 April (340). In Croatia, copulations were observed between 13 March and 2 May (85), and in the Pyrenees (France) on 31 July (17).

Copulation attempts lasted on average 48 s ± 65 SD (range 10–420 s, n = 92; 344) or 64.6 s (365). The mean duration of cloacal contact was 11.7 s ± 8.3 SD (range 2.8–50 s, n = 54; 344). The observed number of copulation attempts per pair/day was 0.16 ± 0.34 SD (range = 0–1.19) in Crete; in December, daily attempts per pair reached a maximum rate of 1.19 ± 0.55 SD (range = 0–4; 344). Another study in the Pyrenees (Spain) recorded a mean copulation frequency of 1.2 copulation attempts per day (365).

Pair Bond

The monogamous Eurasian Griffon shows evidence of life-long pair bonding (9, 3). In a reintroduced population from the Grand Causses region (France), it exhibited strong mate fidelity, where 95% of the identified pairs in any year remained unchanged the following year, and only 4.6% of pairs divorced (n = 107; 238). Another study also found support for long-term pair bonds: in Hoces del Riaza Natural Park, Segovia (Spain), of the 71 tagged individuals followed from hatching to 16 years, only one moved to a different aerie after breeding in its original aerie for five years (18).

Extra-Pair Mating Behavior/Paternity

Extra-pair copulation in Crete (Greece) represented 3.3% of failed copulation attempts (n = 92) and 4.2% of successful attempts (n = 71; 344). In the Pyrenees (Spain), 3.3% of observed copulations (n = 239) were extra-pair copulations (360). Males attempted extra-pair copulations in territories located 20–200 m from their nests. In seven of the eight cases, the copulation attempts were rejected by the females (360). There was no mate-guarding by the Eurasian Griffon, but the number of copulation attempts within a pair positively correlated with the number of neighbors within 20 m (344), which is consistent with sperm competition hypothesis. A parentage analysis of nestlings (n = 40) from two colonies in the French Alps did not find evidence of extra-pair fertilization, despite observations of extra-pair copulations, suggesting that pairs in these populations were genetically monogamous (366).

Brood Parasitism of Conspecifics

Information needed.

Brood Parasitism by Other Species

Information needed.

Social and Interspecific Behavior

Degree of Sociality

The Eurasian Griffon breeds mainly in colonies, but also solitarily; there are no comparative data about the costs and benefits of either reproductive strategy. Colonies are usually small (2–20 pairs), but larger colonies (>100 pairs) can occur at sites with high availability of food and nesting sites. In Türkiye, colonies are typically 2–8 pairs, but a solitary pair and a colony of 15 pairs have also been recorded (210). In Crimea (Ukraine), solitary pairs or colonies of two to 11 pairs have been observed (180). In the Kopet-Dag Mountains (Turkmenistan), solitary pairs or colonies of three to 12 pairs have been documented (321). In Spain, colonies tended to be small during surveys in the 1980s, with isolated pairs and colonies of 2–20 pairs in Cataluña (n = 8 colonies; 313) and the Sierra de Hornachuelos Natural Park, Córdoba (n = 8 colonies; 367). The 2018 Spanish census recorded 533 isolated pairs, 1,745 colonies with 2–10 pairs, 618 colonies with 11–30 pairs, 154 colonies with 31–100 pairs, and 27 colonies with 101–730 pairs (368). In Sardinia (Italy), mean colony size was 12.9 pairs ± 3.6 SE, (range 2–60, n = 16; 369). In Crete (Greece), small colonies were not permanent, and the mean occupation duration was 5 years. The mean group size of declining colonies was 8 ± 3.67 SD (range = 4–16, n = 9), while mean group size of new colonies was 11 ± 6.29 SD (range = 2–27, n = 13; 370). Also in the Nurata Nature Reserve (Uzbekistan) it was observed that the colonies were not permanent (237).

When not breeding, the Eurasian Griffon is a very social species even away from colonies, gathering in large groups when feeding, during migration, and when roosting (9, 3). Groups have also been observed resting in meadows in the Pyrenees (17). See Habitat and Feeding for more details. Among conspecifics, individuals exhibit a dominance gradient, whereby adults are dominant over subadults, which are in turn dominant over juveniles. Agonistic interactions as part of establishing the dominance gradient near carrion include fights, attacks, displacements, and food theft (305).

Individual interactions and social dynamics of a population of Eurasian Griffon were examined during the breeding season in a sample of GPS tracked birds (n = 29) in Israel. No single individual had the highest social rank across all three social situations investigated: co-flight, feeding, and roosting. It was estimated that the number of unique individuals each bird interacted with was best predicted during both flights and when feeding. However, the number of total interactions an individual had (strength of social bond) was best predicted by interactions while feeding or while roosting (371).


Information needed.

Nonpredatory Interspecific Interactions

Temporal segregation and facilitation seems to contribute to species coexistence in vertebrate scavenger communities. In Somiedo and Las Ubiñas-La Mesa Natural Parks (Asturias Region, Spain), single peaks of activity at carcasses were mostly asynchronous among species; however, daily activity patterns of the Eurasian Griffon closely followed those of the Common Raven (Corvus corax) and Carrion Crow (Corvus corone). These observations suggested that earlier presence of corvids at carcasses could facilitate carcass detectability by vultures; subsequently, the vultures could facilitate the corvids' access to carrion (372).

When feeding at a carcass, vultures of many species exhibit a dominance gradient from larger species to smaller ones, and generally from adults to subadults and juveniles. In one study carried out in Spain, vulture ranks based on successful interactions at carcasses (percentages in parentheses) were in the following order of species and age class: adult and subadult Cinereous Vulture (Aegypius monachus) (75.4%), adult Eurasian Griffon (70.6%), juvenile Cinereous Vulture (69.5%), juvenile Bearded Vulture (Gypaetus barbatus) (68.4%), juvenile Eurasian Griffon (60.9%), subadult Eurasian Griffon (60.7%), adult Bearded Vulture (55.1%), subadult Bearded Vulture (53.2%), and adult Egyptian Vulture (Neophron percnopterus) (33.3%, n = 1,049 agonistic interactions; 305). As part of establishing this dominance gradient, agonistic interactions for access to food are common among these species (373, 293, 286, 325). In one instance, violent physical aggression was recorded in which a Cinereous Vulture caused a serious neck wound to a juvenile Eurasian Griffon (359).

A similar dominance gradient from larger species to smaller ones was also observed at Gir Forest National Park (India), where interactions at carcasses between the Eurasian Griffon, Indian Vulture (Gyps indicus), and White-rumped Vulture (Gyps bengalensis) were examined. The Eurasian Griffon, the largest among these three species, was dominant; White-rumped Vulture was the smallest and subordinate to the other two. The Eurasian Griffon won 67% of aggressions against the Indian Vulture (n = 15) and 84% of aggressions against White-rumped Vulture (n = 7). The Indian Vulture won 52% of aggressions against the White-rumped Vulture (n = 52). TheEurasian Griffon and Indian Vulture also spent a larger portion of time engaging in intraspecific agonistic behavior than the White-rumped Vulture, which allowed the smallest species opportunities to feed. The interval between intraspecific fights was 21 min for the Indian Vulture (n = 116), 47 min for Eurasian Griffon (n = 6), and 84 min for White-rumped Vulture (n = 61; 218). Outside of these various dominance gradients, the Eurasian Griffon has also been observed in mixed foraging flocks with the Himalayan Griffon (Gyps himalayensis), which were regularly seen in the Assy-Turgen region of the Tien Shan mountains (Kazakhstan), near the Assy-Turgen Observatory (Katzner, Sklyarenko, personal communication).

In addition to these dominance gradients when feeding at a carcass, the Eurasian Griffon has also been documented interacting with the Bearded Vulture while the latter species was dropping bones onto rock slabs to break them up. In the Pyrenees in Spain, groups of Eurasian Griffon (mean 2.3, range 1–5, n = 30) descended upon Bearded Vulture ossuaries to pirate bone fragments (374).

During the breeding season, the Eurasian Griffon has also been documented to interact with many species, which can take the form of territorial interactions, interactions over food, or formation of multi-species colonies, among others. Many species also react agonistically toward the Eurasian Griffon; in one study, the Bearded Vulture showed aggressive territorial behavior toward the Eurasian Griffon during the breeding season. However, territorial behavior was more closely associated with defense of breeding space rather than defense of a specific nest site (375). In another study, a Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) pair nested within 100 m of a Eurasian Griffon nesting pair in Crimea, where the falcons attacked flying vultures constantly. A Eurasian Griffon nestling that was 20 d old was observed on 5 May in the nest; three days later, it was found dead and emaciated (376). Not all species act aggressively toward the Eurasian Griffon during the breeding season; a Ruddy Shelduck (Tadorna ferruginea) pair and an Eurasian Eagle-Owl (Bubo bubo) pair nested within 30 m of a Eurasian Griffon colony in the Caucasus (Russia), but no interactions were observed (377). A Ruddy Shelduck also nested among Eurasian Griffon in the cliffs of ravines near the Sea of Galilee, Israel (378).

While nesting, other species have also been documented stealing food from Eurasian Griffon nests meant for nestlings. The Egyptian Vulture has been documented stealing food from a Eurasian Griffon nest in multiple studies, including one that landed near an incubating bird and stole food (379). In another instance, a pair of Egyptian Vulture appeared to coordinate and harass a Eurasian Griffon nestling that was recently brought food by an adult for 15 min until the nestling moved from the nest and the Egyptian Vulture pair stole the food (380). In the Caucasus (Russia), a pair of Eurasian Magpie (Pica pica) regularly visited nests of a Eurasian Griffon colony and stole the food regurgitated by adults for the nestlings (377).

In addition to the interactions noted above, the Eurasian Griffon may also occupy aeries built by other species. In Navarra and Zaragoza (Spain), the Eurasian Griffon usurped 2.6% aeries occupied by the Egyptian Vulture (n = 77), 44.4% of Bearded Vulture aeries (n = 9), 7.6% of Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) aeries (n = 118), and 39.1% of Bonelli's Eagle (Aquila fasciata) aeries (n = 23). In one case, a Egyptian Vulture pair usurped a Eurasian Griffon nest for a year. In Cataluña (Spain), 40% (n = 70) of Bearded Vulture nests were usurped by other species, mainly (81%) Eurasian Griffon (381). In Dana Biosphere Reserve (Jordan), a pair of Bonelli's Eagle was recorded nesting on a cliff in 2010; the same nest was used by nesting Eurasian Griffon in 2012 and 2014 (382). In Romania, an incubating White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) was shot on 29 February; on 11 March the nest was occupied by a pair of Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca), and on 23 April an incubating Eurasian Griffon was observed on the nest (179). The expropriation of aeries by Eurasian Griffon has increased in frequency over the years, likely because the expanded distribution of the species now overlaps with that of other raptors. Other factors, such as the greater body weight and earlier breeding season of the Eurasian Griffon gives it dominance over other cliff-dwelling raptors (383).

The Eurasian Griffon has also been documented nesting in mixed species colonies. In Kazakhstan, Eurasian Griffon pairs and Himalayan Griffon pairs were observed on several occasions breeding at the same colony (117). Colonies that appear to have both Eurasian Griffon and Himalayan Griffon were observed north of Zharkent, very close to the Chinese border, east of Altyn Emel National Park (Kazakhstan; Katzner, Sklyarenko, personal communication). In another colony of 15–20 Eurasian Griffon nests at Chulak (Kazakhstan), one Himalayan Griffon was present, although it was unclear whether it was nesting (115). In addition to nesting, the Eurasian Griffon may also roost with other species. In one case, two Eurasian Griffon were observed roosting with a Lappet-faced Vulture (Torgos tracheliotos) at Wadi al Butm (Jordan) on 16 April 1963 (175).

A Eurasian Griffon migrating across the Strait of Gibraltar was harassed by a Yellow-legged Gull (Larus michahellis) and fell into the sea (356). In Corsica, harassment of a Eurasian Griffon by a Yellow-legged Gull was also observed (384).


Kinds of Predators

The Common Raven (Corvus corax) (272), Egyptian Vulture (Neophron percnopterus) (385), and Yellow-legged Gull (Larus michahellis) (17) are potential egg predators of the Eurasian Griffon; the Common Raven also occasionally predates nestlings (386). Red fox (Vulpes vulpes) has also been recorded predating a Eurasian Griffon nestling (387).

Manner of Depredation

Two Common Raven practiced coordinated harassment of an incubating Eurasian Griffon; one raven pecked at the vulture while the other, on the opposite side, waited for it to move away to gain access to the egg (387, 272). On one occasion, a Common Raven pair and Egyptian Vulture pair harassed an incubating adult simultaneously (unsuccessfully) for over 45 min (387). At one abandoned nest, an Egyptian Vulture pair used stones to break a Eurasian Griffon egg and fed on its contents (385).

At Gir National Park (India), two vultures—a White-rumped Vulture (Gyps bengalensis) and either an Indian Vulture (Gyps indicus) or an Eurasian Griffon—approached too close to carcasses and were killed by a lion (215).

Response to Predators

Nestlings usually flatten out in the nest when approached by a person. Young chicks defecate in defense; another nestling response is regurgitation of food. Some nestlings try to run away and crawl into crevices; others are aggressive and bite the intruder (301, 17). Captive chicks were observed hiding their heads in the nesting material (16). Adult Eurasian Griffon generally leave the nest upon the arrival of a person, but some females remain in the nest and attack the intruder (301).

To reduce risk of predation while feeding on a carcass, the Eurasian Griffon has been shown experimentally to prefer sites with good visibility around the carcass, allowing birds to detect predators and escape (388). In the same study from Georgia, it preferred landing at carcasses where corvids were already feeding, which could be interpreted as a sign of relative security (388). It has also been shown to assess the risk of predation based on the availability of food and its level of hunger, and can modify its anti-predator behavior. In experiments with supplemental feeding, it reduced the reaction time to food exposure and the distance at which it would flush from a potential predator from one day and 250 m, to 2.8–19.2 min and 15.2–52.2 m, respectively, depending on food availability (389).

Recommended Citation

Salvador, A. (2024). Eurasian Griffon (Gyps fulvus), version 6.0. In Birds of the World (S. M. Billerman and M. A. Bridwell, Editors). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA.
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